How Much Do Millennials Need to Save for Retirement? (2024)

Everyone, including millennials, wants to know exactly how much to save for a comfortable retirement. But saving for retirement is not a one-size-fits-all approach, especially for this generation.

Based on birth date, millennials in 2024 range in age from 28 to 43. That’s quite a range, and ultimately, the amount you need to save for retirement will depend on how much you’ve already saved, your lifestyle aspirations, and other factors—including how you are invested, inflation, future employment, and Social Security benefits.

If you’re a millennial with your eyes on retirement, the insights on this page and the articles linked from it have been expertly curated to help balance these factors and support your financial future.

How much you will need in retirement depends on two factors: when you retire and the lifestyle you want to support in retirement.

One retirement planning rule of thumb says that if you save the equivalent of 15% of your pretax income until you retire, you will reach that goal.

Another common recommendation is to aim for total savings and money from other sources that will generate at least 80% of your pre-retirement income each year to retire comfortably.

However, if you are still 20 or more years away from retirement, you don’t know for sure how much more your income could grow and therefore impact your lifestyle and the dollar amount of savings needed to support it.

To help simplify, start by setting a savings goal based on a multiple of your current salary, based on your age.

Estimated Retirement Savings Based on Age and Multiples of Salary
Amount of salary saved10×

Using the example of someone who wants to maintain about the same spending level in retirement that they had while working, your savings should total the amounts shown below by age, where 1× equals savings of one times your salary, 2× equals savings of two times your salary, and so forth.

If your plan is to live a more frugal lifestyle in retirement, then your final goal might be eight times your salary saved by the age of 67. Conversely, if you plan to spend your retirement years traveling and living a higher lifestyle than during your working years, then your savings goal by age 67 might bump up the factor to 12.

In practical terms, if you’re a 28-year-old millennial, you have roughly two years to have the equivalent of one year’s salary in your retirement account, which can include any employer contributions you get.

If, however, you are a 40-year-old millennial, then your retirement savings account should already contain the equivalent of three times your annual salary. If it doesn’t, you may have some catching up to do.

Make sure your retirement income numbers include anticipated Social Security or pension income if applicable (see more on the former below), as that can help supplement your savings plan.

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Once you have a benchmark savings goal in mind, be mindful of how these four key factors can impact your retirement funds, and how to adjust your plan to support long-term wealth accordingly:

1. Access to Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plans

According to a 2023 Transamerica study, about 19% of full-time millennial workers and 43% of part-time millennial workers don’t have access to an employer-sponsored retirement plan. This can have a big impact on how much you can save in a tax-advantaged account. The less you invest in a company retirement account, such as a 401(k) plan, the more you will have to save overall.

With a 401(k), for example, individuals can contribute up to $23,000 for 2024 as a tax-deferred benefit, up from $22,500 in 2023. If you do not have access to a 401(k) plan and need to use an individual retirement account (IRA), you are capped at saving $7,000 a year in a tax-deferred account for 2024, up from $6,500 in 2023.

This means that more will have to go to a taxable savings account, thus decreasing the account’s compounding effect, as you have to pay taxes on any interest income or capital gains. In addition, you miss out on the assumed employer match in the above calculations, so you will have to save that percentage on your own as well.

In addition to saving for retirement, millennials should aim to build up an emergency fund of at least six months of living expenses, to tide them over when out of work or facing an unexpected crisis.

Investing In Your Future

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2. Asset Allocation

Having the right allocation in stocks and bonds can make a big difference in how much your portfolio will return over the years. If your asset allocation is too low on stocks, you may not reach your savings goal.

Some advisors suggest that millennials, especially those at the younger end of the spectrum, should allocate as much as 90% to 100% of their portfolio in stocks.

In reality, you cannot accumulate the money you need to retire without more exposure to equities. Inflation alone will destroy your dollars’ purchasing power if your investments lack appreciation potential.

How Much Do Millennials Need to Save for Retirement? (5)

3. Job Uncertainty

While computers and the web have made things easy, they do come with some drawbacks. The chances of your job being replaced by automation or artificial intelligence (AI) during your lifetime have increased. In fact, 44% of companies surveyed by Resume Builder say that AI will lead to layoffs in 2024.

Additionally, because of widespread internet access, there is increased competition from foreign workers who can do your job remotely—and likely for much less than what you get paid, which lessens the need for full-time staff.

When you are unemployed, you lose the ability to save in an employer-sponsored retirement account and get an employer match. You also risk needing to withdraw funds from your retirement savings to keep yourself afloat if you have trouble finding work. That’s another reason why you need an emergency fund.

“The best we can do is our best. We cannot predict the future, so we will put together a plan, stick to it, and adjust accordingly.”

4. Peak 65 and Social Security

This year, there’s another wrinkle to consider: 2024 begins the “Peak 65 Zone,” a period in which the largest number of Americans will be turning 65, and start a surge of people entering retirement each year. In fact, it’s estimated that 4.1 million people will retire each year through 2027, which means more people are pulling from already dwindling Social Security benefits.

Millennials may be wondering, “Who’s going to pay for all these people turning 65? How is Social Security going to look if it’s being drained by the biggest abundance of the population turning 65?” says Michael Arvay, founder and CEO of Marvelous Retirement Planners in Toledo, Ohio.

The latest report from the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) Trust Fund, which partially funds Social Security, states that there is enough money as of now to cover all scheduled benefits through 2033. After that, retirees may only be left with the 77% portion funded by Social Security tax collection.

In other words, there is the possibility that anyone retiring after 2033 will lose 23% of their expected benefit amount—unless the government steps in with a solution before then. While Arvay doesn’t believe Social Security will be depleted, it’s a good reminder that younger generations should take their retirement fate into their own hands.

“Getting to full retirement age and maximizing Social Security is important since you can get more if you wait until age 70,” he says.“But either way, you shouldn’t count on your bills being paid by Social Security.”

In fact, the Social Security Administration says the benefit is only intended to replace, on average, about 40% of your annual pre-retirement earnings. It’s up to you to bridge that gap, and perhaps anticipate a slightly wider gap if Social Security funding dries up.

The Bottom Line

There are plenty of reasons why millennials may be stressed about saving for retirement—from worries over Social Security and the Peak 65 Zone to not yet having squirreled enough away on their own.

The best way to deal with these fears is to figure out what you need to save, and craft a plan. Ultimately, the goal is to save as much as you can during your income-earning years. A good goal is to save at least 15% of your gross income to ensure that you get to live the life you want after you bid the workplace at least partially adieu.

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How Much Do Millennials Need to Save for Retirement? (2024)


How Much Do Millennials Need to Save for Retirement? ›

For a "comfortable retirement," 8% of Gen Z and 14% of Millennials think less than $500,000 would be enough. However, the majority of Gen Z (37%) believes they'll need between $500,000 to $1 million, while a quarter of Millennials (26%) think they'll need more, between $1 million but less than $2 million.

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By generation, both Gen Z and Millennials expect to need more than $1.6 million to retire comfortably. High-net-worth individuals – people with more than $1 million in investable assets – say they'll need nearly $4 million.

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However, not a huge percentage of retirees end up having that much money. In fact, statistically, around 10% of retirees have $1 million or more in savings. The majority of retirees, however, have far less saved.

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Gen Z, Gen X and boomers indicated they only needed a somewhat modest income of $124,000 – $130,000 to be happy, far below the “average” of $284,167 for the entire survey. But millennials greatly skewed the results, requiring a whopping $525,000 per year in income to be happy.

How much money is enough to save for retirement? ›

Someone between the ages of 26 and 30 should have 0.5 times their current salary saved for retirement. Someone between the ages of 31 and 35 should have 1.1 times their current salary saved for retirement. Someone between the ages of 36 and 40 should have 1.9 times their current salary saved for retirement.

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By some measures, millennials lag on retirement preparedness and net worth relative to older generations such as Gen X and baby boomers. There are many reasons for this, such as a shift away from pensions toward 401(k) plans and high student debt burdens.

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Older millennials (ages 35 to 43) were the most likely of any generation to have $100 or less in their savings account, with 42% of Americans in this age bracket having a current balance of at most $100. Younger millennials (ages 28 to 34) are not much better off, with 39% having $100 or less in their bank accounts.

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How long will $1 million in retirement savings last? In more than 20 U.S. states, a million-dollar nest egg can cover retirees' living expenses for at least 20 years, a new analysis shows. It's worth noting that most Americans are nowhere near having that much money socked away.

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If that budget looks comfortable, it's a good sign that you can reasonably expect $1.5 million will cover it if you retire at 45. A financial advisor can help you project expenses, inflation, portfolio growth and more in a comprehensive financial plan. Get matched with a financial advisor.

What is the average nest egg at retirement? ›

The average retirement savings for all families is $333,940, according to the 2022 Survey of Consumer Finances. The median retirement savings for all families is $87,000.

What is a millennial happy salary? ›

In a 2023 study by financial services company Empower, millennials reported needing to earn $525,000 a year to be happy. Notably, this is significantly more than the national median income of that age group, which is approximately $81,000 a year, according to a study by Scholaroo.

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When Millennials Make the 1% Mark — For Their Age Group. Consider that millennials are toward the younger end of earners, which plays a role in where they fall on the net worth continuum. “They hit the top 25% at around $50,000 and the top 1% at about $175,000,” Jennings said.

What is the top 1 percent income for millennials? ›

Meet the millennial 1%

Based on income alone, if you're under 35, you're a “top 1%” earner if your household earns more than $225,000.

How much do I need to retire if my house is paid off? ›

In simplest terms, take a $2,500 mortgage payment out of the picture and you've just reduced your annual expenses by $30,000. Now, factor that against the amount of money you'll need to manage retirement: between 55% to 80% of your current annual income, according to Fidelity.

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The first step is to earn enough money to cover your basic needs, with some left over for saving. To create a financial plan, consider your personal goals, which may include buying a home, saving for retirement, or putting your kids through college.

What is the average 401k balance for a 65 year old? ›

Average and median 401(k) balances by age
Age rangeAverage balanceMedian balance
2 more rows
Mar 13, 2024

How much should a 30 year old have saved for retirement? ›

If you're looking for a ballpark figure, Taylor Kovar, certified financial planner and CEO of Kovar Wealth Management says, “By age 30, a good rule of thumb is to aim to have saved the equivalent of your annual salary. Let's say you're earning $50,000 a year. By 30, it would be beneficial to have $50,000 saved.

How many Americans have $100,000 saved for retirement? ›

14% of Americans Have $100,000 Saved for Retirement

Most Americans are not saving enough for retirement. According to the survey, only 14% of Americans have $100,000 or more saved in their retirement accounts. In fact, about 78% of Americans have $50,000 or less saved for retirement.

Is $500 K enough to retire on? ›

As we have established, retiring on $500k is entirely feasible. With the addition of Social Security benefits, this becomes even more of a possibility. In retirement, Social Security benefits can provide an additional $1,900 per month, on average. You can start receiving Social Security benefits as early as 62.

Is 100K in retirement by 30 good? ›

“By the time you're 40, you should have three times your annual salary saved. Based on the median income for Americans in this age bracket, $100K between 25-30 years old is pretty good; but you would need to increase your savings to reach your age 40 benchmark.”

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