9 Reasons You Might Owe Money to the IRS This Tax Season (2024)

Taxes might be the last thing on your mind as 2023 comes to a close. But preparing in advance can make Tax Day less of a chore, especially if you aren't sure whether you're getting a tax refund or a tax bill from the IRS.

There are several reasons why you might owe money to the IRS: if you're self-employed, if you withdrew from a retirement account or if you no longer qualify for certain tax credits, to name a few. Preparing ahead of time can help you minimize the hit.

"Your federal income tax return is simply your single largest financial transaction every year," said Mark Steber, chief tax information officer at Jackson Hewitt. "And it pays off to develop some good habits now."

The 2024 tax filing season starts in less than a month, so now's the time to come up with a game plan, especially if you think you might owe the IRS. Even though you can file your tax return in late January, your payment isn't due until April 15, 2024.

What is my tax liability?

If someone refers to your "tax liability," it can sound rather intimidating. It refers to the total amount of money you owe the IRS for combined taxes -- income tax, capital gains tax, self-employment tax, past-due taxes, sales tax, etc. While your tax liability is determined by your earnings and filing status, you can reduce the amount you owe the federal and state government by taking advantage of certain deductions and credits.

If you're worried about your tax liability, the most important thing to do is to file your tax return sooner rather than later. Filing early lets you know exactly what you'll owe, even though you won't have to actually submit your payment until tax day. "Get your calculations done and file early so you have three or so months to figure out how to arrange for that money," Steber said. Your balance isn't due to the IRS until midnight on April 15, 2024.

Why would I owe money to the IRS in 2024?

There are several reasons why you might owe money to the IRS. If you fall under one of the following categories, here's what you need to know so you can start saving now:

1. Your income changed in 2023

When your income increases, so do your taxes. If you got a raise at work or started a new job with a higher salary, you could fall into a higher income tax bracket, thereby increasing your tax bill. Likewise, if you made extra income from a side gig, you'll have to pay taxes on that extra cash.

"If you make more income, you're going to owe money," Steber said. If you didn't pay estimated taxes or have enough withheld on your W-4, that could mean you didn't pay enough taxes on that money throughout the year, he added.

2. You changed the withholding status on your W-4

Your withholding amount is the income tax your employer takes from your paycheck and gives to the IRS on your behalf. Withholding too little on your W-4 can lead to a higher tax bill, while withholding too much can result in a tax refund.

You can check your withholding status and make changes at any time. But keep in mind that not paying enough estimated tax on your income (under-withholding) can trigger an underpayment penalty from the IRS.

3. You're a freelancer

If you did any freelance work this year, even on a part-time basis, the IRS considers you self-employed and requires you to file taxes as a business owner. You're responsible for filing standard income taxes based on your tax bracket and a self-employment tax rate of 15.3% for Social Security and Medicare. Every job that pays you $600 or more should provide you with a 1099-MISC form, which you'll need when you file your tax return.

If you expect to owe more than $1,000 in taxes, you must pay estimated taxes throughout the year, at least every quarter.

4. You're a small business owner or independent contractor

If you're a small business owner, you'll need to pay quarterly estimated taxes to avoid a big tax bill. If your income is steady throughout the year, calculate your annual income minus deductions to figure out what you'll owe in taxes, then split that into four equal payments. If your income fluctuates during the year, you can adjust your quarterly payments. Any overestimation or underestimation can be corrected in the next payment cycle.

5. You made a withdrawal from your retirement account

Tax-advantaged retirement plans, such as an IRA or 401(k), are subject to an additional 10% income tax penalty if you withdraw any amount before the age of 59½. There are several exceptions that allow for penalty-free withdrawals, but you still have to pay taxes on that income.

6. You collected unemployment

If you received unemployment benefits this year, that income is considered taxable. You can choose to have taxes withheld from your unemployment check so you aren't hit with a bill once you file your return in spring. But that's up to you. If you want to pay taxes on your unemployment checks, you need to fill out a W-4V form or pay quarterly estimated tax payments.

7. You moved states

When you move to a new state, you'll likely have to file a part-year resident return in the state you moved from and the state you moved to, which could end up increasing your tax bill. Every state has its own rules and regulations, so make sure you understand the fine print before filing.

8. You changed your FSA or HSA contributions

Flexible Spending Accounts and Health Savings Accounts are tax-advantaged accounts that allow you to set aside money before it's been taxed to pay for qualified out-of-pocket medical expenses. If you recently reduced the amount you contribute to one of those accounts, that will increase your taxable income, i.e., your payroll tax bill.

9. You no longer qualify for tax credits

Tax credits reduce the amount of income tax you owe dollar-for-dollar. Unlike deductions and exemptions, tax credits are designed to reward behaviors considered beneficial to the economy, such as investing in renewable energy or solar panels for your home. But if you no longer qualify for one or the IRS denies your claim for a credit, you might need to pay back the claims (plus interest).

How much should I save for taxes in advance?

Some experts suggest saving 15% to 30% of your profits as a good rule of thumb, but the amount of money you should save for taxes depends on your filing status and taxable income.

"The W-4 has become more complicated than it ever has been," said David Blaylock, head of advice and regulatory compliance at Origin. "But at the same time, there's also some pretty robust tooling available online that can really help you figure out what you might owe from a tax liability standpoint."

You can get a good idea of your expected tax liability by plugging some personal details into an online tax calculator. You'll need to include your estimated income, number of dependents, federal withholdings, credits and deductions, and so on. The IRA also offers a tax withholding estimator that can help you determine how to complete your W-4 if you have too much or too little federal income tax withheld from your paycheck.

Where should I put the money I've saved for my tax bill?

You don't have to keep the money reserved for your tax bill in a separate bank account, but it can help you keep track of your savings. Plus, since the best high-yield savings accounts are offering high interest rates with yields over 5%, transferring your tax savings into an HYSA could pay off.

High-yield savings accounts are ideal for short-term savings goals, allowing for quick access to withdraw and deposit money. You can set up automatic transfers from your checking account, streamlining your contributions so you don't have to think about it later.

What if I already paid estimated taxes?

If your taxable income isn't subject to federal withholding (meaning you don't have a W-4 with an employer or aren't withholding enough), you're generally required to make estimated tax payments at least four times a year. This applies to anyone who would owe the IRS $1,000 or more when their return is filed.

In 2023, quarterly tax payments were due on April 18, June 14 and Sept. 15. The final payment for the 2023 tax year is due by Jan. 16, 2024. If you're caught up on your estimated taxes, you should have a smaller tax bill or no tax bill in the spring. If you don't pay enough estimated taxes throughout the year, the IRS can charge you late penalties.

What if I didn't save enough to pay my tax bill?

Saving money for anything is hard these days. But having enough funds to pay the IRS when the time comes isn't an optional expense. "If you can't afford to pay your tax bill, the worst thing you can do is just ignore it," Steber said. The good news is that the IRS has several payment plans available so you can pay over time, Steber added.

If you can't pay your taxes, lean on a payment alternative to avoid accruing additional interest and penalties. You can approach this one of three ways:

  1. Ask for a monthly installment plan: After you file your tax return, fill out a payment agreement application. You'll qualify for a long-term payment plan (monthly installments) or a short-term payment plan (paying in 180 days or less), depending on your specific tax situation. Payment plans will accrue interest like any loan. This option is available only if you're in good standing with the IRS, meaning you've filed all past-due tax returns.

  2. Settle your tax debt with the IRS: If you don't have the money to pay your tax bill, you can settle your tax debt with the IRS by requesting an offer in compromise. This allows you to settle your debt for less than what you owe. The IRS determines your eligibility based on your ability to pay, income, expenses and asset equity. The IRS generally approves an offer in compromise if the amount you offer is the most they can expect to collect within a reasonable time period.

  3. File and make partial payments: The worst thing you can do is not file your taxes. At the bare minimum, file your taxes and make a partial payment. The failure-to-file penalty is usually 5% of the monthly tax owed (up to 25%), while the failure-to-pay penalty is 0.5%.

How can I make sure to get a tax refund next year?

The IRS issued more than 237.8 million refunds last year, adding up to nearly $512 billion, according to the Internal Revenue Service 2022 Data Book. But to make sure you receive a tax refund next year, you need to maximize all possible deductions you're eligible for. "You want to look for opportunities to really maximize the amount and reduce your tax burden," Blaylock said.

As your circ*mstances change, it's important to update your W-4, which you can do throughout the year."A lot of people think that your W-4 is a set it and forget it type thing, but it's really not," Blaylock added. You may find that you need to do some additional withholding from your paycheck to make sure you're not stuck with a tax bill.

Once you secure a tax refund, take advantage of jump-starting your emergency savings. "A lot of people don't have an emergency fund or maybe have an insufficient one, so your tax refund can really be a windfall that could help you toward that goal," Blaylock said.

9 Reasons You Might Owe Money to the IRS This Tax Season (2024)


9 Reasons You Might Owe Money to the IRS This Tax Season? ›

Under-withholding means you'll owe. Many people try to get as close as possible to even so they get more money in their paychecks during the year, but don't owe a lot or get a bigger refund at tax time. The key is managing your withholding to get the result you are looking for.

Why am I owing federal taxes this year? ›

Under-withholding means you'll owe. Many people try to get as close as possible to even so they get more money in their paychecks during the year, but don't owe a lot or get a bigger refund at tax time. The key is managing your withholding to get the result you are looking for.

What could cause you to owe money to the IRS? ›

At a glance: Common reasons for owing taxes include insufficient withholding, extra income, self-employment tax, life changes, and tax code changes.

Why is everyone owing taxes this year in 2024? ›

Under-withholding from Your Paycheck

Under-withholding is the #1 reason individuals owe taxes. This occurs when not enough tax is taken out of your paychecks throughout the year.

Why do I owe $1,000 in taxes this year? ›

If your personal or financial circ*mstances have changed, you may end up owing taxes to the IRS when you usually get a refund. Common reasons include underpaying quarterly taxes if you're self-employed or not updating your withholding as a W-2 employee.

How do you end up owing taxes? ›

Here are seven reasons why you might owe taxes.
  1. Your Tax Withholding Is Off. ...
  2. You Owe Taxes on Self-Employment Income. ...
  3. You Went Through Some Life Changes. ...
  4. You Qualify for Fewer Tax Deductions. ...
  5. You're in a Higher Tax Bracket. ...
  6. You Owe Capital Gains Taxes. ...
  7. Refigure Your Tax Liability. ...
  8. Adjust Your Withholding.
Mar 25, 2024

Why do I owe taxes this year if I claim 0? ›

If you claimed 0 and still owe taxes, chances are you added “married” to your W4 form. When you claim 0 in allowances, it seems as if you are the only one who earns and that your spouse does not. Then, when both of you earn, and the amount reaches the 25% tax bracket, the amount of tax sent is not enough.

How do people end up owing the IRS? ›

By law, employers withhold taxes from your paycheck. What you may not know is that if enough taxes are not withheld from your paycheck throughout the year, you, the employee, will likely owe the IRS when you file your tax return during tax season.

How can I avoid owing IRS taxes? ›

The federal tax system operates on a pay-as-you-go basis. Taxpayers who pay enough tax throughout the year can avoid a large tax bill and subsequent payment penalties when they file their return. One way to avoid owing a balance is to correctly calculate and adjust how much tax you have withheld from your wages.

How can the IRS owe you money? ›

If you have an unfiled income tax return there is the possibility that the IRS might owe you money. If the IRS does owe you the money you have to file a tax return to get it. And you have only a few years to get that refund — otherwise, the money stays with the IRS.

Is it better to owe taxes or get a refund? ›

The best strategy is breaking even, owing the IRS an amount you can easily pay, or getting a small refund,” Clare J. Fazackerley, CPA, CFP, told Finance Buzz. “You don't want to owe more than $1,000 because you'll have an underpayment penalty of 5% interest, which is more than you can make investing the money.

How do you tell if you overpaid taxes? ›

The taxpayer's total tax payments already made, which includes refundable credits, appears on the appli- cable line of Form 1040. If the payments made exceed the amount of tax liability, the amount of the overpayment is shown on the applicable line in the Refund section of the Form 1040.

How do I tell if I will owe taxes? ›

If the standard deduction is larger than the sum of your itemized deductions (as it is for many taxpayers), you'll receive the standard deduction. Once you have subtracted deductions from your adjusted gross income, you have your taxable income. If your taxable income is zero, that means you do not owe any income tax.

Why am I suddenly owing taxes this year? ›

It could be one big change or several changes that made an impact: Filing changes – But big life changes, such as marriage, divorce, retirement or adding a dependent (having a baby, adopting) can affect the your tax situation such as the filing status for which you are eligible and other aspects of how you are taxed.

What if I owe $1 in taxes? ›

Balance Less than $1 — If the amount you owe is less than $1, you do not have to pay it. Refund Less than $1 — If your refund is less than $1, we will send it to you only if you ask for it.

What is the average tax return for a single person making $60,000? ›

If you make $60,000 a year living in the region of California, USA, you will be taxed $13,653. That means that your net pay will be $46,347 per year, or $3,862 per month.

How can I stop owing federal taxes? ›

Typically, you can avoid a penalty and any applicable interest by paying at least 90 percent of your taxes during the year. Checking and then adjusting tax withholding can help make sure you: Don't owe more tax than you are expecting; Don't get a surprise tax bill, and possibly a penalty, when filing next year; or.

Why do I owe taxes this year from TurboTax? ›

If you owe more than you did in the previous tax year, it may be because you elected to take fewer deductions. Some examples include: Skipping an IRA contribution. Fewer charitable contributions.

Is it better to claim 1 or 0 on your taxes? ›

Claiming 1 on your tax return reduces withholdings with each paycheck, which means you make more money on a week-to-week basis. When you claim 0 allowances, the IRS withholds more money each paycheck but you get a larger tax return.

Why do I owe federal but not state? ›

This can come down to a number of reasons, but the most common is that you paid more taxes than your tax liability stated that you needed to at state level, in which case you are due tax back.

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