What Is Customer Match Marketing? (And How to Get Started) (2024)

What Is Customer Match Marketing? (And How to Get Started) (1)

What is customer match marketing?

Customer match marketing is a strategic approach that allows businesses to target their existing customers with personalized ads, resulting in higher engagement and increased sales.

Did you ever wish you could use all the customer data you have compiled (both offline and online) for your ad campaigns?

Get excited, because you can with Customer Match from Google. With the Customer Match feature in Google Ads (also called Google AdWords), you can advertise to current and past customers exclusively. Even better, Google Ads can use your data to target similar users.

Are you ready to bring customer match marketing to your Google Ads’ campaigns? Keep reading to learn how, plus get answers to all your questions about this feature and marketing strategy, from “What is customer match marketing?” to “Where can I use Customer Match?” If you need help getting started with Google’s Customer Match, contact us online or call us at 888-601-5359!

What is customer match marketing?

Customer match marketing is the practice of creating ad audiences using customer data. Businesses can accomplish goals related to brand awareness and sales with this strategy.

Ad networks, like Google (via Customer Match) and Facebook (via Custom Audiences), support customer match marketing.

What is Customer Match for Google Ads?

Customer Match for Google Ads is an audience targeting tool for Google Search Network and Google Display Network ads. With Google Customer Match, advertisers can use online and offline customer data to re-engage existing customers, as well as reach users that are similar to your clients.

How does Customer Match work?

You know the answer to “What is customer match marketing?” but, before you use Customer Match for your Google Ads, it’s helpful to understand how it works.

“Google uses Google account data to power Customer Match, connecting advertiser-supplied data, like a name and phone number, to the appropriate Google account.”

Google Customer Match can help you market to users that have interacted with your business, whether offline or online, because of Gmail or Google accounts. With a Google account, users can access email, as well as other Google products, like Google Play.

A Google account also stores valuable user data, including:

  • First and last name
  • Phone number
  • Secondary emails
  • Browsing activity
  • And more

This information allows Google to provide users with a more personalized search and advertising experience. It also allows Google to connect advertiser-supplied data, like a name and phone number, to Google accounts, which results in Customer Match. Using the offline and online customer data you provide, Google can match it to a Google account.

If you supply a customer’s email address (and it’s a Gmail account), for example, it’s extremely easy for Google to find that customer and deliver your ads to them. Google can then use its information about that person to build a profile of similar users that you can advertise to as well. The way that Customer Match works is what makes it an unmatched tool in digital advertising.

What are the requirements for Google Customer Match?

If you want to use Google Customer Match, you will need to meet these standards:

  • 90-day Google Ads history
  • Good Google Ads’ policy compliance history
  • Good Google Ads’ payment history
  • More than $50,000 total lifetime Google Ads’ spend

You can quickly check whether you meet Google’s Customer Match requirements by seeing if you have an assigned Google Ads account manager. If you don’t, then you unfortunately don’t qualify for Customer Match with Google. If you’re looking to add an account manager to your team, Google doesn’t disclose its requirements for assigning a Google Ads account manager.

Most advertisers suspect a consistent (and significant) ad spend over time is one condition.

How to get started with Customer Match in Google Ads

Are you ready to try Customer Match in Google Ads? Get started with this three-step walkthrough!

1. Create your customer data file

First, you want to build your customer data file, which you’ll upload to Google Ads, in Google Sheets or in Microsoft Excel. When you create a customer data file, you have a few options when it comes to the data you want to use. The three types of customer data files are:

  • Emails, Phones, and/or Mailing Addresses
  • User IDs
  • Mobile Device IDs

For Google to read your file, you’ll need to follow several formatting guidelines for your file and data. What Is Customer Match Marketing? (And How to Get Started) (2) For your file, follow these standards:

  • Create and save your file as a CSV file
  • Encode your CSV file as either ASCII or UTF-8

For your data, follow these rules:

  • Label your headers (within the file) in English
  • Order your headers as follows: Email, Phone, First Name, Last Name, Country, Zip
  • Enter your customer information (like email or address) with the appropriate formatting

How you format your customer data will depend on whether you “hash” your data. Hashing refers to a process that takes a string of characters in a database and then shortens and encrypts them. When you hash data, you speed up the process of indexing and retrieving data.

You also secure it, which is vital when it comes to customer information. With Customer Match, you can hash your data or have Google do it for you. In most cases, companies will opt for Google to secure the data for them.

If you do decide to hash your data in-house, though, you’ll want to use the SHA256 algorithm, which is the industry’s standard algorithm for one-way hashing. For hashed data, use the following formatting guidelines:

Data PointHashed Formatting GuidelinesExample
EmailInclude the email domain name Lowercase all characters Delete any extra spaces[emailprotected]
PhoneUse the country code Follow the E.164 format Use the “+” sign+12345678910
First NameRemove all prefixes, like “Mr.” Lowercase all characters Remove any extra spaces Include accentsdavid zoë
Last NameRemove all suffixes, like “Jr.” Lowercase all characters Remove any extra spaces Include accentsjones jones-smith pérez
Country*Do not hash country data Use the ISO country code, like “US” for the United StatesUS
Zip*Do not hash zip data Exclude postal code extensions for all countries except the U.S. Use five-digit codes Use five-digit codes, plus the four-digit extension for U.S. addresses90210 90210-0800 WC2H 8LG

For unhashed data, use the following formatting guidelines:

Data PointUnhashed Data Formatting GuidelinesExample
EmailInclude the email domain name Delete any spaces in the email address[emailprotected]
PhoneInclude the country code1 (234) 567-8910
First NameRemove any prefixes, like “Miss” Include accents, if applicableDavid Zoë
Last NameRemove any suffixes, like “Sr.” Include accents, if applicableJones Jones-Smith Pérez
CountryUse the ISO two-letter country code, like “US” Do not spell out the name, like “The United States”US
ZipUse postal code extensions for U.S. addresses only Use five-digit zip codes Include four-digit zip code extension for U.S. addresses if available90210 90210-0800 WC2H 8LG
Mobile Device IDCreate a separate file — do not include any other data2028687309

Creating a customer data file can seem overwhelming if you’ve never created one before. That’s why Google offers a Customer Data template for Customer Match, which you can download.

Use this template as a reference for creating your first customer data file. If you make mistakes, Google will notify you after you upload your file.

2. Upload your customer data file

Now that you’ve created your Customer Data file, you can send it to Google. Start by logging into your Google Ads account. Then, select “Tools & Settings” from the main menu.

What Is Customer Match Marketing? (And How to Get Started) (3) Click “Audience manager” from the dropdown menu. Google will take you to the Audience manager dashboard. Once there, click the “+” button, which will open a dropdown menu.

What Is Customer Match Marketing? (And How to Get Started) (4) From the dropdown menu, select “Customer list.” Next, you’ll want to complete the following form fields for uploading your Customer Match file:

  • Audience name: Give your audience a name. Choose a name that anyone managing or viewing your account will understand. For example, “[Customer List] Tradeshow Contacts” or “[Customer List] All Customer Data.”
  • Data to upload: Choose the type of customer data you’re uploading. You have three options: “Emails, Phones, and/or Mailing Addresses,” “User IDs,” and “Mobile Device IDs.” Then, select whether you’re uploading unhashed or hashed data and attach your file.
  • Membership duration: Set your membership duration. The default membership duration is unlimited. If you’re uploading “Mobile Device IDs,” though, the maximum membership duration is 540 days.
  • Description: Add a description to provide some additional information about your customer list. For example, you may comment on the list size or the purpose of the list. For the best results, include information that would help a stranger understand the audience and your goals.

What Is Customer Match Marketing? (And How to Get Started) (5) After you finish, click “Upload and Create List.”

3. Update your audience targeting to Customer Match

With your customer list created and uploaded, you can start using it! Go ahead and select or create the ad campaign that you want to use. If you’re updating an existing ad campaign, you can choose the campaign from the left-hand sidebar menu and then select “Audiences” from the pop-out menu.

Once you have the “Audiences” menu open, select your ad group, and search for your customer list. What Is Customer Match Marketing? (And How to Get Started) (6) For example, if you named your customer list, “[Customer List] Tradeshow Contacts,” you could search for “tradeshow contacts.” Once you see your customer list, checkmark it, and save your audience changes. That’s it!

You’ve used Customer Match for your Google Ads campaign.

FAQs about Google Ads’ Customer Match feature

Do you have some more questions about Google Ads and Customer Match? Browse our FAQ!

Is Google Ads Customer Match safe to use?

Yes. Google Customer Match carries an ISO 27001 certification, which is an internationally accepted and respected security certification for information security management systems.

This certification applies to the systems, people, data centers, technology, and processes that power and manage Customer Match. Any data you collect to use for Customer Match, however, must meet the following requirements:

  • Your privacy policy discloses that you share customer data with third parties
  • Your customer data collection complies with all applicable laws and regulations
  • Your customer shared their information with you versus a third party
  • Your uploaded data does not include information from users 13 years or under

Follow these guidelines to make sure you use Customer Match correctly.

Where can you use Customer Match?

You can use Customer Match from Google Ads for the following ad types:

  • Search
  • Shopping
  • YouTube
  • Gmail
  • Display

Essentially, you can use Customer Match on the Google Search Network and Google Display Network.

What customer data can you use for Customer Match?

Customer data that you can use for Google Customer Match includes:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Mailing address
  • Mobile device ID

You can secure this data, before uploading it to Google Ads, by using the SHA256 algorithm. If you don’t “hash” the data before uploading it to Google Ads, Google will hash the data for you via the SHA256 algorithm.

What does Google do with my customer data?

When it comes to Customer Match and customer data, Google follows strict guidelines, which include:

  • Using customer data for building Customer Match audiences only
  • Preventing customer data access by other Google teams
  • Withholding customer data from third parties
  • Deleting customer data files after use
  • Storing customer data via secure and reliable means

Essentially, Google only uses the data you provide to build your Customer Match audience.

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What Is Customer Match Marketing? (And How to Get Started) (8)

Try Customer Match from Google today!

Are you curious about using Google Customer Match for your Google Ads’ campaigns? If you’re looking to get started, WebFX offers more than 25 years of experience. With our experienced team of more than 500 online advertising specialists, we can help your company build and upload its customer lists, as well as create competitive Customer Match campaigns.

Contact us online today or call us at 888-601-5359 to learn more about our paid advertising services!

As a digital advertising expert with extensive knowledge in customer match marketing, I'm here to provide insights into the concepts mentioned in the article. My expertise stems from hands-on experience and a deep understanding of the strategies involved. Let's dive into the key points mentioned in the article about Customer Match marketing:

1. What is Customer Match Marketing?

  • Customer match marketing involves creating ad audiences using customer data to achieve brand awareness and sales goals.
  • Ad networks like Google (Customer Match) and Facebook (Custom Audiences) support this marketing strategy.

2. Customer Match for Google Ads:

  • It is an audience targeting tool for Google Search Network and Google Display Network ads.
  • Utilizes online and offline customer data to re-engage existing customers and reach users similar to your clients.

3. How Customer Match Works:

  • Google uses Google account data to power Customer Match, connecting advertiser-supplied data to the appropriate Google account.
  • Customer Match allows targeting users who have interacted with your business online or offline through Gmail or Google accounts.
  • Google builds profiles of similar users based on the information provided, enabling targeted advertising.

4. Requirements for Google Customer Match:

  • 90-day Google Ads history
  • Good Google Ads policy compliance history
  • Good Google Ads payment history
  • More than $50,000 total lifetime Google Ads spend

5. Getting Started with Customer Match in Google Ads:

  • Create a customer data file in Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel, following formatting guidelines.
  • Upload the customer data file to Google Ads, specifying the type of data (Emails, Phones, Mailing Addresses, User IDs, Mobile Device IDs).
  • Update audience targeting in your ad campaign to include Customer Match.

6. FAQs about Google Ads’ Customer Match Feature:

  • Is Google Ads Customer Match safe to use? Yes, it carries ISO 27001 certification for information security.
  • Where can you use Customer Match? It is applicable to Search, Shopping, YouTube, Gmail, and Display ads on the Google Search and Display Networks.
  • What customer data can you use? First name, last name, email address, phone number, mailing address, and mobile device ID.
  • What does Google do with customer data? Google follows strict guidelines, using it only for building Customer Match audiences, preventing access by other teams, and storing it securely.

Conclusion: Customer Match marketing, especially within Google Ads, offers a powerful way to target existing customers and similar users. Advertisers can leverage a variety of customer data, ensuring personalized and effective ad campaigns while adhering to Google's strict data privacy and security measures. If you're considering implementing Customer Match in your Google Ads campaigns, following the outlined steps and guidelines can help you get started successfully.

What Is Customer Match Marketing? (And How to Get Started) (2024)


What Is Customer Match Marketing? (And How to Get Started)? ›

Customer Match lets you use your online and offline data to reach and re-engage with your customers across Search, the Shopping tab, Gmail, YouTube, and Display. Using information that your customers have shared with you, Customer Match targets ads to those customers and other customers like them.

How do I create a customer match list? ›

How to Create a Customer Match List in Google Ads?
  1. Step 1: Navigate to the Audience Manager. To start, sign into Google Ads. ...
  2. Step 2: Click on 'Customer Match' In the audience manager dashboard, click on '+'. ...
  3. Step 3: Prepare Your Data File. ...
  4. Step 4: Upload Your Data File. ...
  5. Step 5: Use Your Customer Match List.
Sep 21, 2023

Is Google customer match worth it? ›

Why invest in Customer Match? Customer Match lets you use first-party data to share the unique insights that you have about your customers beyond Google's understanding. That can allow you to deepen existing customer relationships – or build new ones – across all of Google's properties in a privacy-safe way.

What are the requirements for Google customer match list? ›

Requirements for using Customer Match

To use Customer Match, your account must have: A good history of policy compliance. A good payment history.

How to set up a customer match? ›

Click Audience lists from the Page Menu on the left. Click the plus button to create a new audience list. Choose 'Customer list'. Choose whether to upload a plain text data file or a hashed data file.

What is an example of customer match? ›

Using the offline and online customer data you provide, Google can match it to a Google account. If you supply a customer's email address (and it's a Gmail account), for example, it's extremely easy for Google to find that customer and deliver your ads to them.

What are the 4 types of consumer benefits? ›

There are four different levels of benefits you can employ when talking with your customers.
  • Core benefits.
  • Expected benefits.
  • Augmented benefits.
  • Potential benefits.
Aug 22, 2019

How to match products to customer needs? ›

To achieve a perfect match, you must first understand your customers on a deeper level. This involves market research, customer surveys, and data analysis to identify common pain points, preferences, and desired features. When you gain insight into customer needs, you can shape product configurations.

What is the customer match match rate? ›

Your Customer Match match rate is the percentage of your uploaded customer list that could be connected to Google users, so you can see how much of your list is usable.

How do I attract more customers to Google? ›

Having lots of positive Google reviews can get your business listing higher up in Google search results. This type of search engine optimization (SEO) makes it more likely that customers in your area find you when searching for your kinds of services.

How do I target high income individuals on Google? ›

Click Audiences. In the Demographics module, select Campaign view, Ad Group view, or Account view in the drop-down menu to filter for the reporting level you want to see. Select a demographic tab: Age, Gender, Household Income, Parental Status, or Combination.

How do I get clients to rate me on Google? ›

Here are some ways to encourage people to review on Google: Make it easy: Include a direct link to your Google review page in social media posts, emails, or on your website. Consider QR codes in physical locations. Right timing: Ask for reviews after positive interactions or when customers are happy.

How do you create a list of potential customers? ›

Here are quick list-building tips:
  1. Use a contact management service like ConstantContact or MailChimp.
  2. Set up a form on your website.
  3. Ask people you meet at networking events for permission to put them on the list.
  4. Ask people you speak to at events if you may put them on your list.
May 4, 2018

What are the Google customer match keys? ›

The three primary match keys are email address, mailing address, and phone number.

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