Understanding pre vs. post-tax benefits (2024)

Offering employee benefits is an effective tool for recruiting and retaining talent for many organizations. When building a benefits package, it’s important to understand which benefits can be paid for through pre-tax contributions and which are covered by post-tax deductions.

Both pre-tax and post-tax benefits have their pros and cons. Generally, pre-tax deductions provide an immediate tax break but impact an employee’s taxable income, while post-tax deductions don’t provide immediate tax relief but won’t be taxed when benefits are used in the future.

In this article, we’ll define pre-tax and post-tax benefits, including typical examples of each, so that you can determine the best benefits for your employees and optimize your tax savings.

Are you reimbursing your employees’ health costs correctly? Get our guide to find out

What are pre-tax benefits?

With pre-tax benefits, the value of the benefit is deducted from an employee’s paycheck before federal income and employment taxes are applied. By withholding deductions before you withhold taxes, you lower an employee’s total taxable income, reducing the amount of federal income tax the employee has to pay.

A pre-tax deduction lowers tax liabilities for employers and employees. However, the employee might owe taxes in the future when they use the benefit the deduction was applied toward. For example, an employee who retires will owe taxes when they withdraw money from a pre-tax 401(k) plan.

Not all pre-tax benefits are exempt from all federal tax withholdings. For instance, adoption assistance is exempt from federal income taxes, but it isn’t exempt from Social Security, Medicare, or FUTA tax.

Additionally, pre-tax benefits may not be exempt from all state and local taxes, so employers should check their state and local laws to determine which benefits are exempt.

Common examples of pre-tax benefits

Pre-tax benefits come in various forms, so it can take time to determine which ones you should offer to your employees. To simplify things, we’ve compiled the following list of benefits that are typically covered through pre-tax deductions.

Health insurance plans

Health plans are a popular pre-tax benefit. An employer-sponsored health plan is health coverage that an employer purchases for their employees and their dependents. Usually, the employer splits the cost of premiums with their employees on a pre-tax basis.

Common types of pre-tax employer-sponsored health plans include:

Another health benefit that uses pre-tax funds is a health reimbursem*nt arrangement (HRA). HRAs are employer-funded health reimbursem*nt plans that help both employees and employers save on healthcare costs.

The employer contributes pre-tax dollars for employees to pay for out-of-pocket medical expenses and sometimes individual health insurance premiums. Employers are exempt from payroll taxes on the contributed amount, and employee reimbursem*nts are income tax-free as long as their health insurance policy meets minimum essential coverage (MEC).

Health savings accounts (HSAs)

A health savings account (HSA) is also in the pre-tax group. This tax-advantaged employer- and employee-funded account lets employees set aside pre-tax money to pay for healthcare items.

Employee contributions deposited directly from their paycheck are from pre-tax dollars, reducing their gross income. Withdrawals to pay for qualified medical purchases are also tax-free.

Unlike a flexible spending account (FSA), employees keep their HSA account and funds even if they quit their job or become unemployed. Money in the account rolls over yearly, and any investment growth is tax-free.

Pre-tax retirement plans

Traditional IRA plans, 403(b) plans, a Thrift Savings Plan, and many 401(k) plans are pre-tax. Every dollar deposited into eligible retirement plans reduces an employee’s taxable income by an equal amount.

However, employees are subject to annual contribution limits and, depending on the plan, may have to pay taxes when they withdraw funds. Also, while these retirement saving plans are income-tax-free, they are still subject to FICA and Social Security taxes.

Commuter benefits

A pre-tax commuter benefit lets employees deduct their monthly work-related commute costs. Employers can deduct transportation costs directly from their employee’s paycheck on a pre-tax basis for expenses like parking garage fees and transit passes.

Commuter benefits support employees by increasing their overall take-home pay and providing them with various alternative commuting options, reducing their overall transportation expenses.

What are post-tax benefits?

Post-tax benefit contributions, sometimes called after-tax deductions, are taken from an employee’s paycheck after taxes have already been deducted. Since post-tax deductions reduce net pay rather than gross pay, they don't lower the individual's overall tax burden.

Benefits that are deducted on a post-tax basis result in the employer and employee paying more income, payroll, and employment taxes. But the employee typically won’t owe any income tax on the benefits when they use them in the future.

For example, an employee who retires will not owe additional taxes when they withdraw money from a post-tax retirement plan. This can make a post-tax deduction preferable for employees compared to pre-tax deductions.

Because you withhold taxes before withholding benefit contributions, all federal, state, and local taxes are already paid on the contributions.

Common examples of post-tax benefits

Now that you know how post-tax benefits work, how do you know which ones to choose? When considering what post-tax benefits you want to offer at your organization, an excellent place to start is with popular options.

Below we’ll go into detail on common post-tax benefits that employers offer to their employees.


A stipend is a fixed sum of money offered to an employee in addition to their regular wages. Sometimes called an allowance or fringe benefit, a stipend is usually provided on a regular basis as determined by the employer. However, stipends can also be offered as a one-time allowance or spot bonus.

Stipends allow employees to pay for various out-of-pocket expenses, such as wellness opportunities, professional development costs, fertility benefits, and remote office equipment.

Stipends are considered a form of taxable income. Therefore, employers must pay payroll taxes on stipend reimbursem*nts totaling a tax rate of 7.65% (6.2% for Social Security and 1.45% for Medicare).

Employees are taxed between 20% to 40% on the total amount they receive as income at the end of the year.

Post-tax retirement plans

While some retirement plans are pre-tax, that’s not the only option. A retirement contribution paid by employees into an account after income taxes get deducted from their paycheck is called a post-tax retirement contribution.

The two types of post-tax retirement accounts are a Roth IRA and a 401(k). Roth contributions use post-tax money. Earnings held in the account for five or more years grow tax-free, and there are also tax-free withdrawals. Roth IRAs are preferable for many individuals compared to traditional IRAs, which require taxes upon withdrawal.

Certain 401(k) accounts are structured similarly. Once an employer deducts payroll taxes from an employee’s wages, the employee can make additional 401(k) contributions.

After-tax 401(k) contributions empower employees to invest more money into their retirement fund and provide them with tax-deferred growth until withdrawals begin.

Disability insurance

Employees who purchase disability insurance through their company’s group medical plan can choose to pay for its premium with pre-tax or after-tax dollars. Employees make their deduction choice upon signing up for the benefit.

The two types of disability insurance an employee can have are:

  • Short-term disability insurance: This type of insurance usually covers employees' wages from three months to a year.
  • Long-term disability insurance: This type of insurance provides coverage for at least 90 days and, depending on the disability, can provide income replacement up to age 65.
    • Long-term disability insurance premiums rise the longer it has been in place.

Life insurance

Life insurance premiums are tax-deductible as a business-related expense, typically called a life insurance post-tax deduction. The most common type of post-tax life insurance deduction is group-term life insurance.

Group-term life insurance coverage is a contract issued to employees, which the employers offer as an employee benefit.

The Internal Revenue Service considers employer-provided group term life insurance tax-free if the policy's death benefit is less than $50,000. Coverage over $50,000 must be paid post-tax.


Wage garnishment occurs when the court orders a business owner to deduct an employee’s earnings due to a debt. Garnished wages are a post-tax deduction regardless of the reason.

Examples of wage garnishment include:

  • Default student loans
  • Child support payments
  • Prior medical debt
  • Court-ordered fines or restitution

If an employee has pre-tax deductions in place, wage garnishments are taken out of their paycheck based on their total income before they make any adjustments. Exceptions to this are local, state, and federal taxes, other wage garnishments, and other mandatory deductions.

Employers must send the payment to the appropriate legislative authority or credit institution until the employee’s debt clears.


Understanding the difference between pre and post-tax benefits is crucial to building a suitable benefits package. Pre-tax contributions can reduce your overall tax burden now, but post-tax benefits can result in tax savings in the future.

By working with a tax advisor and staying up to date on pre and post-tax benefits, common deductions, and your state and local taxation laws, you will save time and future headaches.

If you’re ready to implement an HRA or stipend at your organization, contact us, and we’ll get you started!

This article was originally published on August 20, 2015. It was last updated on March 6, 2023.

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Understanding pre vs. post-tax benefits (1)

Elizabeth Walker

Elizabeth Walker is a content marketing specialist at PeopleKeep. She has worked for the company since April 2021. Elizabeth has been a writer for more than 20 years and has written several poems and short stories, in addition to publishing two children’s books in 2019 and 2021. Her background as a musician and love of the arts continues to inspire her writing and strengthens her ability to be creative.

Understanding pre vs. post-tax benefits (2024)


Understanding pre vs. post-tax benefits? ›

Both pre-tax and post-tax benefits have their pros and cons. Generally, pre-tax deductions provide an immediate tax break but impact an employee's taxable income, while post-tax deductions don't provide immediate tax relief but won't be taxed when benefits are used in the future.

Is it better to save pre-tax or post-tax? ›

If you expect your tax bracket to increase, the Roth contribution option will clearly make more financial sense. If you predict the reverse, pretax contributions will benefit you more in the long run.

What is the difference between pretax and post-tax disability? ›

If you choose the pre-tax option and then need to go on disability leave, you'll have to pay taxes on your disability insurance payout. Those payouts generally cover between 50 and 80 percent of your salary. If you choose the post-tax option, you paid taxes before you paid for the premium.

How do I know if my benefits are pre-tax? ›

Pre-tax premiums can be identified by reviewing an employee's pay stub. Each stub contains important information regarding the employee's gross salary or wages, federal income tax withheld and deductions for employer-sponsored benefits.

What is the difference between pre-tax and post-tax 403b? ›

After-tax contributions can also be made through payroll deductions and placed into a Roth 403(b) Tax-Sheltered Plan. Unlike pre-tax contribution plans, there's no up-front tax benefit — your contributions are deducted from your pay and transferred to the plan after taxes are calculated.

Should I do benefits pre or post-tax? ›

Pre-tax contributions can reduce your overall tax burden now, but post-tax benefits can result in tax savings in the future. By working with a tax advisor and staying up to date on pre and post-tax benefits, common deductions, and your state and local taxation laws, you will save time and future headaches.

Should I split my 401k between Roth and traditional? ›

Should You Split Contributions Between a Roth and Traditional Account? Splitting contributions between a Roth and traditional account can allow you to get some tax benefit today while hedging somewhat against higher tax rates in the future.

Is it better to pay health insurance before or after-tax? ›

Q: Will this change the amount I pay for medical insurance? A: No, However, paying your medical insurance premiums in pre-tax dollars instead of after-tax dollars will reduce the total amount of your taxable income, and so less money will be withheld in Social Security and income taxes.

How do pre-tax deductions affect take home pay? ›

Pre-tax deductions reduce taxable income, which can lower an employee's tax bill. This results in an increase in their take-home pay. These deductions also benefit employers by decreasing payroll taxes and potentially attracting and keeping valuable employees by providing valuable benefits.

Is Roth IRA pre-tax? ›

Roth IRA contributions are made with after-tax dollars. Traditional, pre-tax employee elective contributions are made with before-tax dollars. No income limitation to participate.

How do pretax benefits work? ›

Using a pre-tax deduction plan allows employees to get coverages and perks like medical care and life insurance before their gross income is taxed. This reduces the employee's tax burden and usually saves them money over time.

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Change Your Withholding

To change your tax withholding you should: Complete a new Form W-4, Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate, and submit it to your employer. Complete a new Form W-4P, Withholding Certificate for Pension or Annuity Payments, and submit it to your payer.

How do I know if my 401k is pre or post-tax? ›

The main difference is when you pay your taxes. In a Roth 401(k), contributions are made after tax, and qualified withdrawals in retirement are tax-free. Pre-tax 401(k)s allow you to contribute before tax, and withdrawals at retirement are taxable.

Is a Roth IRA or 403B better? ›

While Roth IRAs allow your contributions to grow tax-free, you can contribute a much larger amount to your 403(b) plan. In addition to higher limits, 403(b) plans also offer the option for employer matches, which is essentially free money toward your retirement.

What are the benefits of pretax 403b? ›

First, all contributions and earnings to your 403(b) are tax-deferred. You only pay taxes on contributions and earnings when the money is withdrawn. Second, many employers provide additional contributions to your 403(b). The combined result is a retirement savings plan you cannot afford to pass up.

Should I roll over my 403b to a Roth IRA? ›

If you expect to be in a higher tax bracket in retirement, a Roth conversion makes sense. Also, if you have a bulk of your retirement savings in a 403(b) plan, you may want to incrementally convert amounts for better tax management.

Is it better to save before or after-tax? ›

If you save on a pre-tax basis you've ultimately deferred paying taxes until you retire. From the post-tax example, you paid taxes along the way to ultimately have a tax-free retirement “bucket” of money. Either way you cut it, based on this example you end up in the same place.

Is it better to invest before or after-tax? ›

The main advantage of after-tax investing is that it can unlock tax- and penalty-free retirement income. For example, you can tap Roth IRA contributions at any time, free and clear. However, you may be taxed on investment earnings if you've had the account for less than five years and are under 59½.

Should you budget pre or post-tax? ›

We recommend the popular 50/30/20 budget to maximize your money. In it, you spend roughly 50% of your after-tax dollars on necessities, including debt minimum payments.

Is it a good idea to reduce your pretax income? ›

Reducing pre-tax income can have advantages in terms of reducing taxes but also potential disadvantages in terms of reducing contributions to retirement accounts and benefits like employer-sponsored health insurance.

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