Regressive Tax: Definition and Types of Taxes That Are Regressive (2024)

What Is a Regressive Tax?

The term regressive tax refers to a taxthat is applied uniformly regardless of income. Regressive taxes take a larger percentage of income from low-income earners than from middle- and high-income earners. As such, the tax burden decreases with regressive taxes as income rises. It is contrasted with a progressive tax, which takes a larger percentage from high-income earners. Common forms of regressive include sales tax, excise tax, and payroll tax.

Key Takeaways

  • A regressive tax is a type of tax that is assessed regardless of income, in which low- and high-income earners pay the same dollar amount.
  • This kind of tax is a bigger burden on low-income earners than high-income earners, for whom the same dollar amount equates to a much larger percentage of total income earned.
  • A regressive system differs from a progressive system, in which higher earners pay a higher percentage of income tax than lower earners.
  • A regressive system also differs from a proportional system where each individual pays the same percentage of their income.
  • In the U.S. and certain other developed nations, a progressive tax is applied to income, but other taxes are levied uniformly, such as sales tax and user fees.

Understanding Regressive Taxes

Taxes are contributions made by individuals and corporations by governments. They come in many different forms and are levied at different levels, including federal, state/provincial, regional, and local. The types of taxes vary but tend to fall into three distinct categories, including progressive, proportional, and regressive taxes.

As noted above, regressive taxes affect people with low incomes more severely than those with higher incomes because they are applied uniformly to all situations, regardless of the taxpayer. While it may be fair in some instances to tax everyone at the same rate, it is seen as unjust in other cases. As such, most income tax systems employ a progressive schedule that taxes high-income earners at a higher percentage rate than low-income earners, while other types of taxes are uniformly applied.

The United States has a progressive taxation system when it comes to income tax, which means that earners with higher incomes pay a higher percentage of taxes each year compared to those with a lower income. But taxpayers do pay certain levies that are considered to beregressive taxes. Some of these include state sales taxes, user fees, and to some degree, property taxes.

A regressive tax system is more common in less developed countries, where there may be a greater number of people in the same income bracket, thus reducing the negative impact of the regressive tax.

Types of Regressive Taxes

Taxes come in various shapes and sizes. The following section contains information on some of the most common types of regressive taxes that taxpayers must pay.

Sales Taxes

Governments apply sales tax uniformly to all consumers based on what they buy. Even though the tax may be uniform, such as a 7% sales tax, lower-income consumers are more affected.

Imagine two individuals each purchase $100 of clothing per week, and they each pay $7 in tax on their retail purchases:

  • The first individual earns $2,000 per week, making the sales tax rate on her purchase 0.35% of income.
  • In contrast, the other individual earns $320 per week, making her clothing sales tax 2.2%.

Although the tax is the same rate in both cases, the person with the lower income pays a higher percentage of income, making the tax regressive.

Excise Taxes

Excise taxes are levied on specific goods such as tobacco, alcohol, gasoline, and luxury items. These taxes are often added to the price of the goods and are paid by the consumer at the point of sale.

An excise tax can be regressive if it is the same for everyone regardless of income. This is especially true for products consumed by low-income individuals, as these earners are likely to spend a larger proportion of their income on taxed goods than high-income earners. For example, excise taxes on cheap beer is regressive, especially considering how consumer demands may play a factor.

It's important to keep in mind that excise taxes can also be designed to be progressive. For example, if the tax rate on luxury items is higher than the tax rate on necessities like food or clothing, the tax would have a greater impact on high-income earners who are more likely to purchase luxury items. In this case, the tax is progressive because the low-income individual would likely never purchase the luxury good.


Much of the same regarding excise taxes can be said about tariffs. If tariffs are applied uniformly on all imported goods regardless of their price or the income of the people who buy them, they can be considered regressive taxes.

Lower-income individuals tend to spend a larger proportion of their income on imported goods than households with higher incomes. Like before, this may depend on consumer preferences and may be progressive for tariffs placed on more luxurious goods.

User Fees

User fees levied by the government are another form of regressive tax. These fees include admission to government-funded museums and state parks, costs for driver's licenses and identification cards, and toll fees for roads and bridges.

For example, if two families travel to the Grand Canyon National Park and pay a $30 admission fee, the family with the higher income pays a lower percentage of its income to access the park, while the family with the lower income pays a higher percentage. Although the fee is the same amount, it constitutes a more significant burden on the family with the lower income, again making it a regressive tax.

Property Taxes

Property taxes are fundamentally regressive because, if two individuals in the same tax jurisdiction live in properties with the same values, they pay the same amount of property tax, regardless of their incomes.

But they are not purely regressive in practice because they are based on the value of the property. Generally, it is thought that lower-income earners live in less expensive homes, thus partially indexing property taxes to income.

Flat Taxes

Often tossed around in debates about income tax, the phrase flat tax refers to a taxation system in which the government taxes all income at the same percentage regardless of earnings. Under a flat tax, there are no special deductions or credits. Rather, each person pays a set percentage that is levied on all income so everyone effectively pays the same rate.

The tax burden on those with low incomes is often heavily compared to those with higher incomes—even at the same rate. This means that the proportion of income that is taxed is higher for low-income earners. As a result, flat taxes may be considered to be regressive.

Payroll Taxes

Payroll taxes may be considered regressive, as they are typically levied as a flat tax rate on wages and salaries up to a certain limit. This means that everyone, regardless of their income level, pays the same percentage of their income in payroll taxes.

In the United States, Social Security taxes are levied at a flat rate of 6.2% on wages and salaries up to $168,600 in 2024. This means that someone who earns $50,000 a year pays the same percentage of their income in payroll taxes as someone who earns $100,000 a year.

Sin Taxes

Taxes imposed and collected on products that are deemed to be harmful to society are called sin taxes. These are added to the prices of goods like alcohol and tobacco in order to dissuade people from using them. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) considers these taxes to be regressive because they are more burdensome to low-income earners rather than their high-income counterparts.

Corporate taxes are theoretically regressive in that companies may be able to reduce their tax liability down to $0. If this is the case, some of the highest-earning companies may be able to avoid all federal taxes.

Regressive vs. Progressive vs. Proportional Taxes

Regressive, progressive, and proportional taxes are different types of tax systems that are used by governments to generate revenue. Each type of tax has a difference in how they are calculated and the people it affects (primarily depending on different income levels).

Progressive Tax

A regressive tax system is one in which the tax rate decreases as the taxpayer's income increases. A progressive tax system, on the other hand, is one in which the tax rate increases as the taxpayer's income increases.

In a progressive tax system, people with higher incomes pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes than those with lower incomes. Examples of progressive taxes include income taxes and estate taxes.

The argument against progressive taxes is that individuals shouldn't be penalized for having higher incomes and pay for public benefits that a less wealthy individual may be more likely to utilize. This system may also disincentive innovation and capitalism as there is less motivation for success.

The argument for progressive taxes is that individuals with lower incomes should not pay higher effective rates simply because they do not have the same income as somebody else.

Proportional Tax

These two contrasting tax systems meet in the middle with a proportional tax system. This tax is one where everyone pays the same amount in proportion to their income, regardless of how much someone makes.

Though individuals with higher incomes will pay higher proportional taxes in terms of dollars, every individual will pay the same percentage of their income. Some may argue this is a lose-lose situation, higher taxes are not collected from the wealthy nor are higher taxes collected from lower-income individuals who may utilize more public services.

Does America Have a Regressive Tax System?

Certain aspects of taxes in the United States relate to a regressive tax system. Sales taxes, property taxes, and excises taxes on select goods are often regressive in the United States. However, there are other forms of taxes (see below) that are prevalent within America today.

What Taxes Are Not Considered Regressive?

Income taxes and estate taxes are among the most common types of progressive (non-regressive) types of taxes. Both have higher rates and higher tax liabilities for those with higher income. Be mindful that there are many ways individuals can reduce their tax liability. Therefore, although a higher earned may be in a higher tax bracket, they may also have ways to reduce their liability and pay less taxes (both dollar-wise and percent-wise) in a progressive system compared to a lower earner.

Is a Flat Tax the Same As a Regressive Tax?

Yes, a flat tax is the same as a regressive tax because the proportion of taxes paid per individual decrease as an individual's income increases. Note that a proportional tax has a flat tax rate, not flat tax dollar amount. A proportional tax (with its fixed rate) is not a regressive tax.

Are Regressive Taxes Legal?

Yes, tax structures where higher earners pay less proportional taxes is legal. There is often fierce debate around the responsibility of the wealthy regarding how much tax they should pay. However, the subject is a matter of opinion as there is no legislation limiting or preventing a regressive tax system for certain types of taxes.

The Bottom Line

Regressive taxes represent a tax structure where a higher burden is placed on low-income individuals. This is because a larger proportion of their income must go towards paying the tax. A regressive tax system is opposite of a progressive tax system where the wealthier are tax more, though the middle-ground tax system is called a proportional tax system. Common forms of a regressive tax system are sales taxes or excise taxes on certain goods.

Regressive Tax: Definition and Types of Taxes That Are Regressive (2024)


Regressive Tax: Definition and Types of Taxes That Are Regressive? ›

A regressive tax is one where the average tax burden

tax burden
Tax incidence is a measure of who ultimately pays a tax, either directly or through the tax burden. This burden can be split between buyers and consumers, or different groups in the economy. › taxedu › glossary › tax-incidence
decreases with income. Low-income taxpayers pay a disproportionate share of the tax burden, while middle- and high-income taxpayers shoulder a relatively small tax burden.

What are the types of regressive taxes? ›

What Taxes Are Considered Regressive? Regressive taxes are those that are paid regardless of income, such as sales taxes, sin taxes, and property taxes.

What is a tax that is regressive? ›

regressive tax

A tax that takes a larger percentage of income from low-income groups than from high-income groups.

What is the definition of regressive tax quizlet? ›

A regressive tax is one that places a higher tax rate on upper income earners and a very low or nonexistent tax on very lower earners.

Which of the following is an example of a regressive tax *? ›

The correct answer is b) Sales tax.

What is the most regressive tax system? ›

Florida has the nation's most regressive system in the nation. In a large majority of states, the combined state and local tax burden falls harder on low- and middle-income residents than on top earners. That's according to the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP), a liberal think tank in Washington.

What is an example of a regressive or flat tax? ›

Although individuals are taxed at the same rate, flat taxes can be considered regressive because a larger portion of income is taken from those with lower incomes. For example, a 6% sales tax on a $1,000 computer ($60) would take a greater portion of a $10,000 income than of a $50,000 income.

What is the regression of taxes? ›

In other words, if the activity being taxed is more likely to be carried out by the poor and less likely to be carried out by the rich, the tax may be considered regressive. To measure the effect, the income elasticity of the good being taxed as well as the income effect on consumption must be considered.

What are examples of progressive taxes? ›

A progressive tax system might, for example, tax low-income taxpayers at 10 percent, middle-income taxpayers at 15 percent and high-income taxpayers at 30 percent. The U.S. federal income tax is based on the progressive tax system.

Is the lottery a regressive tax? ›

US state lotteries are an ultra regressive tax on poverty & desperation. “In the poorest 1% of zip codes that have lottery retailers, the average American adult spends around $600 a year, or nearly 5% of their income, on tickets. That compares with just $150, or 0.15%, for those in the richest 1% of zip codes.”

What sentence best describes a regressive tax? ›

The correct option is a): Regressive taxes place a higher burden on people who earn less compared to wealthier taxpayers.

Which of the following principles accurately describes a regressive tax? ›

The high-income earners will pay less tax than the low-income earners, which defines the regressive taxation method.

What do you think are the pros and cons of a regressive tax system? ›

Pros & Cons
Easy to calculateWealthier people earn more, and poor ones keep losing money on taxes.
The higher the income, the more insignificant this tax expense becomes.Tax evasion might become a common phenomenon
2 more rows
Apr 4, 2024

What are 5 examples of regressive tax? ›

Though true regressive taxes are not used as income taxes, they are used as taxes on tobacco, alcohol, gasoline, jewelry, perfume, and travel. User fees often are considered regressive because they take a larger percentage of income from low-income groups than from high-income groups.

What is regressive tax? ›

regressive tax—A tax that takes a larger percentage of income from low-income groups than from high-income groups. vertical equity—The concept that people in different income groups should pay different.

Who is hurt by regressive taxes? ›

A regressive tax is a type of tax that is assessed regardless of income, in which low- and high-income earners pay the same dollar amount. This kind of tax is a bigger burden on low-income earners than high-income earners, for whom the same dollar amount equates to a much larger percentage of total income earned.

Which of the three tax systems is regressive? ›

A regressive tax is often flat in nature, meaning that the same rate of tax applies (generally) regardless of income. These taxes include most sales taxes, payroll taxes, excise taxes, and property taxes.

Is social security regressive or progressive? ›

The higher their earnings (up to a maximum taxable amount, $160,200 in 2023), the higher their benefit. Social Security benefits are progressive: they represent a higher proportion of a worker's previous earnings for workers at lower earnings levels.

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