Price-to-Earnings Ratio: What PE Ratio Is And How to Use It - NerdWallet (2024)

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A company’s price-to-earnings ratio, or PE ratio, is a single number that packs a lot of punch, and one of the most common ways to value a company’s stock shares. But what is it, and what makes it so important?

This article covers:

  • What is PE ratio?

  • PE ratio formula

  • What is a good PE ratio?

  • PE ratio example calculator

  • The drawbacks of PE ratio analysis

  • Trailing vs. forward PE ratio


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What is PE ratio?

PE ratio is a metric that compares a company’s current stock price to its earnings per share, or EPS, which can be calculated based on historical data (for trailing PE) or forward-looking estimates (for forward PE). It's a standard part of stock research investors use to:

  • Compare the stock prices of similar companies to find outliers.

  • Determine if the stock is undervalued, appropriately priced or overvalued.

  • Decide, based on its value, if they should buy, sell or hold any particular stock.

“PE ratio” may sound technical, but it’s really just a comparison of how the public feels about a company (its stock price) and how well the company is actually doing (its EPS). The reading (and its inferences) can also be applied to market indexes, such as the S&P 500, Dow Jones Industrial Average and Nasdaq.

PE ratio example

Here’s one scenario: A company posts stable profits quarter after quarter, and its projected profits are equally stable. If its stock price jumps but its earnings stay the same (and no earnings increases are expected), the company’s intrinsic value didn’t change; the market’s perception of the company did.

In this instance, the earnings in the PE ratio stayed the same, while the price soared, which mathematically sends the overall PE ratio higher. If a company’s PE ratio is significantly higher than its peers, there’s a chance the stock is overvalued.

Another way to understand PE ratio: It’s a measure of how much investors are paying for every $1 of a company’s earnings. Imagine two similar companies in the same sector. One has a share price of $100 and a PE ratio of 15. The other has a share price of $50 and a PE ratio of 30. The first company’s share price may be higher, but a PE ratio of 15 means you’re only paying $15 for every $1 of the company’s earnings. Investors in the company with a PE ratio of 30 are paying $30 for $1 of earnings.

PE ratio formula

To arrive at a company’s PE ratio, you’ll need to first know its EPS, which is calculated by dividing the company’s net profits by the number of shares of common stock it has outstanding. Once you have that, you can divide the company’s current share price by its EPS.

For example, if a company has earnings of $10 billion and has 2 billion shares outstanding, its EPS is $5. If its stock price is currently $120, its PE ratio would be 120 divided by 5, which comes out to 24. One way to put it is that the stock is trading 24 times higher than the company’s earnings, or 24x.

🤓Nerdy Tip

Just because you know how to calculate PE ratio doesn’t mean you have to. Online brokerages offer stock screening tools that tell you the PE ratio of a stock, along with many other helpful data points.

Want to get started? See NerdWallet’s list of the best online brokerages for stock trading.

What is a good PE ratio?

There’s no single “good” PE ratio because it’s a comparison tool, not a benchmark figure.

However, by comparing PE ratios, you can uncover a lot about a particular company. Below are a few examples of what certain PE ratios may tell you when compared to the ratios of other companies.

To get a better understanding of this, explore the following tool, which looks at a hypothetical stock and how its price movements and changes in earnings affect PE ratio.

PE ratio example calculator

High PE ratio

Investors may expect higher future earnings

A stock’s PE ratio can rise if investors believe future earnings will be higher than current levels, which is typically how “growth stocks” are defined. According to Robert Johnson, a chartered financial analyst and CEO of Economic Index Associates in New York, higher PE ratios often go hand-in-hand with such growth stocks.

“Typically, stocks selling at higher PE ratios have higher growth expectations than those selling at lower PE ratios,” Johnson says. “In essence, investors are willing to pay a higher premium for current earnings because they expect future earnings to grow substantially.”

The stock may be overvalued

If a stock’s PE ratio is significantly higher than those of other similar companies — or even than the company’s own historical PE ratio — it could be due to growth prospects, but it’s also possible the stock is overvalued.

“When overall market sentiment is positive, PE ratios can be very high, as investors place a high premium on future growth prospects. However, PE ratios can also be very high when overall earnings fall considerably,” Johnson says, adding that the S&P 500’s high PE ratio of the early 2000s was largely due to falling earnings.

To understand this from a technical view, remember the formula. If earnings fall but the stock price remains the same, the PE ratio will rise, suggesting the company may not be as valuable as the stock price reflects.

Differentiating between overvalued stocks and growth stocks comes down to further analysis. Is the high PE ratio a symptom of market-driven hype? Or is there a better reason investors are anticipating higher future returns? These are questions you could ask to decide if it might be time to buy, sell or hold.

Low PE ratio

The stock may be undervalued

A low PE ratio may signal that the stock price doesn’t accurately reflect the true value of the company based on its earnings.

In this instance, the stock price may stay the same while the company’s earnings increase, which would send the PE ratio lower. Investors may see this as an opportunity to buy the stock with the expectation that the price will rise in the future to reflect the underlying earnings increase, a strategy that aligns with value investing.

“Value investors generally prefer firms selling at lower PE ratios, as they believe there is less chance they will be disappointed that future growth prospects will not be realized,” says Johnson.

Company earnings may have fallen

There’s also another way to read into low PE ratios: According to Johnson, that low reading could be well-deserved.

“Just because a stock is selling at a relatively low PE ratio certainly does not mean that it is undervalued,” he says. “It may sell at a low PE ratio because investors are pessimistic regarding future earnings from the stock.”

Discerning between undervalued stocks and potentially troublesome stocks also requires further analysis. Ask yourself questions similar to those listed above to differentiate between undervalued companies and companies that may have hit a lag in earnings.

The drawbacks of PE ratio analysis

While PE ratio can be a good way for investors to evaluate companies, it has its drawbacks. Aaron Sherman, a certified financial planner and president of Odyssey Group Wealth Advisors in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, cautions investors against using PE ratio alone in making their investment decisions.

“In the last 20 years, for example, the S&P 500 has seen PE ratios as low as 13 and as high as 123. While that high number of 123 might make it seem like the market is extremely valued, that ratio happened in the spring of 2009 — the beginning of one of the longest bull runs in U.S. history — so an investor who sold based on the high PE ratio would have missed out on all of those gains,” Sherman said in an email interview.

“Using the PE ratio to take advantage of perceived under- or over-valuations in the market would require that the ratio always reverts to some historical average. The reality is that the PE ratio is not a great basis for investment decisions because there is simply no magic number to which the ratio tends to revert.”

Trailing vs. forward PE ratio

One of the most accepted maxims in the investing world goes for EPS data, too: Past performance doesn’t guarantee future results.

EPS is typically based on historical data, which can be an indicator of a company’s future performance, but is by no means a guarantee. In some cases, a company’s PE ratio could fluctuate based on one-time gains or losses that don’t reflect sustained earnings. For businesses that are highly cyclical, a low PE ratio may signal an undervalued stock, when in reality, it’s been operating in a period of high earnings that’s about to end. An investor may buy in thinking they’re buying at a discount, only for earnings to drop soon after — possibly followed by the stock price.

Investors may also use what’s called forward PE ratio in their analysis. Instead of using past earnings data to generate EPS, this ratio uses the company’s own forward-looking guidance, which is the company’s prediction of how it will perform in the future.

While that’s based on thorough research and analysis, at the end of the day, it’s still a prediction. Moreover, companies that provide guidance in accordance with U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission law are protected from civil liability, shielding them from lawsuits filed by investors who bought stock based on forward-looking guidance that didn’t prove true.

In other words, when using forward PE ratio to justify a stock purchase, it’s buyer beware.

For many investors, low-cost index funds or exchange-traded funds are the easiest way to invest in stocks. Generally speaking, financial advisors often suggest that no more than 10% of your portfolio should be allocated toward individual stocks. If you do decide to build a portfolio out of individual stocks, make sure you do so after thorough research, including the PE ratio analysis outlined above.

Using PE ratio to analyze the entire market

We've talked about analyzing the PE ratio of individual companies. But the same technique can be used to judge the valuation of entire stock market indexes, such as the S&P 500.

S&P 500 PE ratio

Investors can calculate the PE ratio of the S&P 500 by adding up the price of every stock in the index, and then dividing it by the sum of all S&P 500 companies' EPS over the last 12 months (or their projected EPS over the next 12 months, in the case of forward PE ratio).

The S&P 500 has a long-term average PE ratio of about 16. Higher S&P 500 PE ratios may indicate that the index is overvalued, while lower ratios may indicate that the index is undervalued. For example, the ratio spiked in the late 2000s — the lead-up to the Great Recession — and fell to a below-average value in the early 2010s, as the post-Great Recession bull market began.

However, like other forms of PE ratio analysis, the S&P 500 PE ratio is not a foolproof signal of what lies ahead for the stock market. The ratio was above-average for much of the mid-2010s, but the next major market downturn didn't happen until spring 2020.

Shiller PE ratio

One variant of the index PE ratio is the Shiller PE ratio, also known as the cyclically adjusted PE (CAPE) ratio. This measure was invented by Yale economist Robert Shiller and involves dividing the price of a stock index, like the S&P 500, by its average inflation-adjusted earnings over the last 10 years.

The Shiller PE ratio is intended to provide a "smoother" measure of stock market valuations than an index's regular PE ratio, which may whipsaw up and down during periods of volatility.

The long-term average of the S&P 500 Shiller PE ratio is about 17. As with the regular PE ratio, there are some cases in which higher-than-average values have predicted future downturns, and in which lower-than-average values have predicted future upturns. But studies of the predictive power of the Shiller PE ratio have yielded mixed results.

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Price-to-Earnings Ratio: What PE Ratio Is And How to Use It - NerdWallet (4)

The bottom line on PE ratio

PE ratios are simple — they're just the price of a stock or index, divided by its past or future earnings — yet they're some of the most powerful tools for identifying undervalued or overvalued stocks, and forecasting future returns.

However, PE ratios aren't foolproof signals of when to buy and sell stocks. They can indicate a wide variety of things and should be used with other stock research techniques.

Plus, many investors may have an easier time buying and holding index funds rather than trying to time the market.

Price-to-Earnings Ratio: What PE Ratio Is And How to Use It - NerdWallet (2024)


Price-to-Earnings Ratio: What PE Ratio Is And How to Use It - NerdWallet? ›

PE ratio is a metric that compares a company's current stock price to its earnings per share, or EPS, which can be calculated based on historical data (for trailing PE) or forward-looking estimates (for forward PE).

What's a price earning PE ratio and how do you use it? ›

Key Takeaways. The P/E ratio is calculated by dividing the market value price per share by the company's earnings per share. A high P/E ratio can mean that a stock's price is high relative to earnings and possibly overvalued. A low P/E ratio might indicate that the current stock price is low relative to earnings.

What is the PE ratio for NerdWallet? ›

P/E ratio as of June 2024 (TTM): < -1000

According to NerdWallet's latest financial reports and stock price the company's current price-to-earnings ratio (TTM) is -1334. At the end of 2022 the company had a P/E ratio of -56.5.

What PE ratio should I buy? ›

Typically, the average P/E ratio is around 20 to 25. Anything below that would be considered a good price-to-earnings ratio, whereas anything above that would be a worse P/E ratio.

Do you want PE ratio to be high or low? ›

Many investors say buying shares in companies with a lower P/E ratio is better because you are paying less for every dollar of earnings. A lower P/E ratio is like a lower price tag, making it attractive to investors looking for a bargain.

What does a PE ratio of 30 mean? ›

What Is a P/E 30 Ratio? A P/E ratio of 30 means that a company's stock price is trading at 30 times the company's earnings per share. The P/E ratio (price-to-earnings ratio) is the valuation ratio of a company's market value per share divided by a company's earnings per share (EPS).

Is PE ratio a good indicator? ›

While P/E ratios are not the magical prognostic tool some once thought they were, they can still be valuable when used the properly. Remember to compare P/E ratios within a single industry, and while a particularly high or low ratio may not spell disaster, it is a sign worth taking into consideration.

What PE ratio does Warren Buffett use? ›

With those two breadcrumbs, we see that Buffett has historically paid PE ratios of somewhere 11-15 times, which translates Ricky into earnings yields, earnings yields are just the inverse of the PE ratio of roughly 7-9 percent. These are low below market average valuations, that's the big takeaway so far, Ricky.

What is a comfortable PE ratio? ›

Average PE of Nifty in the last 20 years was around 20.* So PEs below 20 may provide good investment opportunities; lower the PE below 20, more attractive the investment potential.

Is a 5 PE ratio good or bad? ›

It is arguable that a PE of five or less is not a remarkable bargain. While it might look as if the company's prospects are being viewed too negatively, it is not a bad rule of thumb to filter out companies with a PE below this level.

What is Best Buy PE ratio? ›

As of today (2024-06-10), Best Buy Co's share price is $86.72. Best Buy Co's Earnings per Share (Diluted) for the trailing twelve months (TTM) ended in Apr. 2024 was $5.71. Therefore, Best Buy Co's PE Ratio (TTM) for today is 15.19.

Why is Amazon PE ratio so high? ›

Why is Amazon PE Ratio so high? Amazon's P/E ratio is higher than most companies in the retail industry because investors are optimistic about its future growth potential. As mentioned, a high price multiple can indicate the market expects higher growth from a company.

What is the PE ratio of Tesla? ›

As of today (2024-06-15), Tesla's share price is $178.01. Tesla's Earnings per Share (Diluted) for the trailing twelve months (TTM) ended in Mar. 2024 was $3.92. Therefore, Tesla's PE Ratio (TTM) for today is 45.41.

How to interpret PE ratio? ›

The most common use of the P/E ratio is to gauge the valuation of a stock or index. The higher the ratio, the more expensive a stock is relative to its earnings. The lower the ratio, the less expensive the stock. In this way, stocks and equity mutual funds can be classified as “growth” or “value” investments.

What is PE ratio in simple terms? ›

PE Ratio Meaning

P/E Ratio or Price to Earnings Ratio is the ratio of the current price of a company's share in relation to its earnings per share (EPS).

What is the PE ratio of the S&P 500? ›

S&P 500 P/E Ratio is at a current level of 24.79, up from 23.27 last quarter and up from 22.23 one year ago.

What is a good EPS ratio? ›

There is no hard and fast number to define a good EPS across companies. Since so many factors go into a company's net income and stock price, variables always exist from one company to the next.

What is a good p/b ratio? ›

Conventionally, a PB ratio of below 1.0, is considered indicative of an undervalued stock. Some value investors and financial analysts also consider any value under 3.0 as a good PB ratio. However, the standard for “good PB value” varies across industries.

How do you use PE ratio in investing strategy? ›

You can use a P/E ratio to compare a company's cost to that of the broader market or against its peers in the same sector. If, for example, you had one company trading with a P/E ratio of 10 and another with a P/E of 20, you'd say that the lower P/E indicated a cheaper stock.

Why do people use PE ratio? ›

The P/E ratio can be used to compare two or more companies. This can be useful given that a company's stock price, in and of itself, tells you nothing about the company's overall valuation.

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