Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one. (2024)

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Do you have an Intuit account? Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one. Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one. Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one. Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one. Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one. Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one. Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one. Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one. Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one. Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one. Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one. Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one. Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one. Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one. Related Content FAQs

Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one. (1)


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‎June 7, 20194:17 PM

last updated‎June 07, 20194:17 PM



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Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one. (2)

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Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one. (3)

Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one. (4)PaulaM

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Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one.

It is not unusual to not receive a 1099-S form. You can ask the closing attorney if one is being sent, but do not request one if its not needed. If you receive the form, you must enter the sale on your tax return. If you don't receive the form and you qualify for gain exclusion (see below), then the sale does not need to be entered on your return.

Gain exclusion:

You may qualify toexclude from income all or part of any gain from the sale of your primaryresidence if you meetownership and use tests.This means forthe 5-year period ending with the sale of the home, you lived in it as yourmain home and you owned it for 2 years.

If you meet bothtests, you may exclude up to $250,000 ($500,000 on joint returns) of gain fromyour income, and you would not report it on your return.

Do not report the saleof your main home on your tax return unless:

  • You have a gain and do not qualify to exclude all of it,
  • You have a gain and choose not to exclude it, or
  • Youhave a loss and received a Form 1099-S.

Sale of main home

IRS pub 523

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‎June 7, 20194:17 PM




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Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one. (5)


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Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one.

My wife and I sold our mainhome in 2019 which we lived in since the late 90's, and never rented. No 1099-S was completed orsent in to IRS. Gains from the sale were less than the $250,000 of that gain from your income. You may qualify to exclude up to $500,000 of that gain if you file a joint return with your spouse. Question is, with several conflicting answers is, do we need to report this on our tax reporting? Or, can it go unreported based on the above. Many thanks BTW - we purchased our current main home in the same county and state. What sayeth the IRS on this? Thanks

‎February 7, 202012:54 PM


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Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one. (6)

Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one. (7)RobertG

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Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one.

It can go unreported based on the above.


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‎February 7, 20201:00 PM

Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one. (8)


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Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one.

Thank You - No heartburn from the IRS?

One of those questions where in doing research we see No, and we also see "Why Not Do It Anyway". If I read the IRS guidance, it appears to say, Do Not File and Do Not enter.

‎February 7, 20201:05 PM



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Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one. (9)


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Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one.

If you are POSITIVE there is no 1099-S, you do NOT need to enter it.

However, in some cases a 1099-S is buried in the closing paperwork, so it is often suggested to report it in case a 1099-S does exist (if a 1099-S exists and you don't report the sale, you will get an IRS notice).

From a tax standpoint, it is perfectly acceptable and common to report the home sale, even if it not required.

‎February 7, 20202:14 PM



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Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one. (10)


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Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one.

Thank You.... This is where for us it gets confusing. A should we or should we not. It seems some IRS publications say Do Not, if no 1099-S is issued, and we fulfill the other conditions. But so many trying to offer suggestions and help, seem split on the issue. Some feel just do it anyway. We looked over our closing documents. What we have is a "Certification For No Information Reporting On The Sale Or Exchange Of A Principle Residence". It is a 2-page 3-part document with "Yes" and "No" answers.

‎February 9, 20209:57 AM



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Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one. (11)

Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one. (12)DMarkM1

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Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one.

It appears you do not need to report the sale of your home. Here is the IRS Publicationthat lists the requirements.

"You need to report the gain if ANY of the following is true.

  • You have taxable gain on your home sale (or on the residential portion of your property if you made separate calculations for home and business) and don’t qualify to exclude all of the gain.

  • You received a Form 1099-S. If so, you must report the sale even if you have no taxable gain to report.

  • You wish to report your gain as a taxable gain even though some or all of it is eligible for exclusion. You may wish to do this if, for example, you plan to sell another main home within the next 2 years and are likely to receive a larger gain from the sale of that property. If you choose to report, rather than exclude, your taxable gain, you can undo that choice by filing an amended return within 3 years of the due date of your return for the year of the sale, excluding extensions."

Of course as bullet three and others have mentioned you may report the sale if you wish for any reason.

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‎February 9, 202010:15 AM

Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one. (13)

Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one. (14)Carl

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Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one.

The general rules are this:

- If you receive a 1099-S then you are required to report the sale *no* *matter* *what*

- If you do not receive a 1099-S and your gain on the sale qualifies to be 100% excluded from taxes, then you do not need to report it on your federal tax return. But you can if you want.

Now if at any time during your ownership of the property you claimed any type of business use such as a home office or renting it, or renting out a room, then while all of your gain may or may not be excluded from taxation, you are required to report the sale. That's because any depreciation you took on the property is recaptured and taxed. Recaptured depreciation is "NOT" included in the "2 of last 5" capital gains exclusion rules.

‎February 9, 202010:29 AM


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Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one. (15)


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Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one.

Thank You - To All and Everyone

To confirm, we do not appear to have a 1099-S. What we do have in it's place is a"Certification For No Information Reporting On The Sale Or Exchange Of A Principle Residence". It is a 2-page 3-part document with "Yes" and "No" answers. We lived in it since the late 90's as our main home. Never renter or used as business.

Itsounds like even the IRS does not want us to report same - unless necessary. We are just trying to be sure.


‎February 9, 202011:46 AM



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Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one. (16)


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Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one.


Your last comments strike me as emphatic and specific..... While I truly appreciate all of the returns on this question, that many have and question when the time comes.... your last lines strike a cord

"Do not report the sale of your main home on your tax return unless:"

  • You have a gain and do not qualify to exclude all of it,
  • You have a gain and choose not to exclude it, or
  • Youhave a loss and received a Form 1099-S.

Thank You - To All and Everyone

To confirm, we do not appear to have a 1099-S. What we do have in it's place is a"Certification For No Information Reporting On The Sale Or Exchange Of A Principle Residence". It is a 2-page 3-part document with "Yes" and "No" answers. We lived in it since the late 90's as our main home. Never renter or used as business. Itsounds like even the IRS does not want us to report same - unless necessary. We are just trying to be sure. thanks

‎February 9, 202011:54 AM


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Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one. (17)

Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one. (18)JosephF8

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Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one.

If you did not receive a 1099-S, qualify for the exclusion and have no business or rental use you do not need to report the sale unless you want to. It is your choice at that point.

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‎February 9, 202011:58 AM


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Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one. (19)


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Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one.

Does it need to be reported to the state if it doesn't need to be reported to the federal gov't?

‎February 9, 20201:05 PM



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Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one. (20)

Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one. (21)ColeenD3

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Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one.

No. Most states follow the Federal in this regard.

‎February 9, 20201:10 PM



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Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one. (22)


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Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one.

Back in 2012, my mother deeded her house to my sister and I. My mother continued to live there until 2019. Then my sister and I sold the house on May 2020. I haven't received a 1099-S. Is there a reason for this?

‎March 22, 20216:57 AM



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Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one. (28)

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Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one. (2024)


Is it unusual not receive a 1099 S form for the sale of your home? Is is typically sent by closing attorney? Should we request one.? ›

Best Answer

What do I do if I didn't get a 1099-S? ›

For taxpayers who did not receive a Form 1099-S, use sale documents and other records. If the taxpayer can exclude the entire gain from a sale, the person responsible for closing the sale (for example, a real estate broker or settlement agent) generally will not have to report it on Form 1099-S.

Does everyone get a 1099-S for sale of a home? ›

Additionally, a 1099S is not required for the sale or exchange of a principal residence with gross proceeds of $250,000 or less ($500,000 or less for married filing jointly) if an acceptable written assurance (certification) from the seller is obtained that indicates the full gain is excludable from the seller's gross ...

What do I do if I haven't received my 1099S? ›

If they don't receive the missing or corrected form from their employer or payer by the end of February, they may call the IRS at 800-829-1040 for help. They'll need to provide their name, address, phone number, Social Security number and dates of employment.

Who is ultimately responsible for filing a 1099-S after closing? ›

Who is responsible for filing the form? Generally, the person responsible for "closing" a reportable transaction is required to file Form 1099-S.

What happens if I didn't receive my 1099 form? ›

If you have not received an expected 1099 by a few days after that, contact the payer. If you still do not get the form by February 15, call the IRS for help at 1-800- 829-1040. In some cases, you may obtain the information that would be on the 1099 from other sources.

Why would I not get a 1099-SA? ›

You may get both a 1099-SA and 5498-SA from us. IMPORTANT: You WON'T receive this form if you DIDN'T withdraw funds from your HSA in the prior year. The 1099-SA is used to report any distribution (withdrawal) of funds from your HSA during the prior year. You must report distributions from your HSA on IRS Form 8889.

Who is responsible for reporting a sale to the IRS? ›

Generally, the real estate broker or other person responsible for closing the transaction must report the sale of the property to the IRS using Form 1099-S, Proceeds from Real Estate Transactions.

Do I have to report a sale of a home to the IRS? ›

Reporting the sale

Additionally, you must report the sale of the home if you can't exclude all of your capital gain from income. Use Schedule D (Form 1040), Capital Gains and Losses and Form 8949, Sales and Other Dispositions of Capital Assets when required to report the home sale.

Who is exempt from 1099s? ›

Who Doesn't Need to Receive a Form 1099-MISC or 1099-NEC? Generally, C corporations, S Corporations, and LLCs formed as corporations or S Corps don't need to receive a 1099-NEC or 1099-MISC. On, check the 1099-NEC instructions and 1099-MISC instructions for exceptions when you are required to issue a 1099.

What is the penalty for not sending 1099s? ›

If your business fails to issue a Form 1099-NEC or Form 1099-MISC by the deadline, the penalty varies from $60 to $310 per form (tax year 2023), depending on how long past the deadline the business issues the form.

What happens if you don't receive a 1099 by January 31? ›

Certain types of non-employment income for freelance and independent contract work must be reported on a 1099–NEC. The deadline to mail 1099s to taxpayers is usually January 31. If a 1099 form is not received, you are still responsible for paying the taxes owed on any income earned during the tax year.

Will the IRS catch a missing 1099s? ›

The IRS employs various methods to detect discrepancies in tax reporting, including the absence of 1099 forms. While the IRS does not catch every missing 1099 immediately, their sophisticated systems and data-matching capabilities make it likely that discrepancies will be identified over time.

What do I do if I don't receive a 1099-S? ›

It is not unusual to not receive a 1099-S form. You can ask the closing attorney if one is being sent, but do not request one if its not needed. If you receive the form, you must enter the sale on your tax return.

Do you always get a 1099-S when you sell your house? ›

Do You Always Get a 1099-S When You Sell A House? You may not always receive a 1099-S form. When selling your home, you may have signed a form certifying you will not have a taxable gain on the sale.

Who sends the 1099-s to the seller? ›

Form 1099-S is used to report the sale or exchange of present or future interests in real estate. It is generally filed by the person responsible for closing the transaction, but depending on the circ*mstances it might also be filed by the mortgage lender or a broker for one side or other in the transaction.

Can I file my taxes without 1099s? ›

Can I still file taxes without my W-2 or 1099? Yes, you can still file taxes without a W-2 or 1099. Usually, if you work and want to file a tax return , you need Form W-2 or Form 1099, provided by your employer.

How do I get my 1099-S form? ›

Obtain a copy of Form 1099-S from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) website or from an authorized vendor.

Who sends out 1099-S forms? ›

Form 1099-S is used to report the sale or exchange of present or future interests in real estate. It is generally filed by the person responsible for closing the transaction, but depending on the circ*mstances it might also be filed by the mortgage lender or a broker for one side or other in the transaction.

What happens if you don't issue 1099s? ›

If a business fails to issue a form by the 1099-NEC or 1099-MISC deadline, the penalty varies from $60 to $310 per form for 2023, depending on how long past the deadline the business issues the form. There are maximum fines per year for small businesses.

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