Here’s why your cat won’t eat dry food (2024)


Cats tend to be picky and quite particular about their meals. Finding the right food for your furry companion can turn into a never-ending quest. When a feline rejects food they previously enjoyed, it might be a sign of a health issue or indicate that the product is not tasty or nutritious enough. Let’s find out why your cat won’t eat dry food and what you can do about it.

My cat won’t eat dry food—possible reasons behind appetite loss

Here’s why your cat won’t eat dry food (1)

I don’t feel like eating, hooman!

Source: vincent van cat

There are numerous reasons why your cat would refuse to eat dry food. A sudden change in their diet is a common culprit. If your cat is accustomed to eating wet food, they won’t transition to cat kibble easily. Cats enjoy a consistent diet, so interruptions are rarely welcome.

Other typical reasons for appetite loss include:

  1. Tooth and gums injury or disease
  2. Acute illness
  3. Underlying chronic condition
  4. Parasitic infection
  5. Change in the environment
  6. Too many snacks
  7. Dehydration
  8. Spoiled food
  9. Recipe changes

Tooth and gums injury or disease

Not eating dry food can be related to tooth and gum problems. Your kitty might have a fractured tooth, lacerations in the mouth cavity, or gum disease. The most common oral issues include:

  • Gingivitis—An inflammation of the gums caused by a build-up of plaque on the teeth. If the excess plaque accumulates, it can damage the gums and teeth. This will make eating painful for your furry companion
  • Tooth resorption—The most common cause of tooth loss in cats is tooth resorption. It occurs when dentin in a tooth (or several teeth) erodes and becomes irreparably destroyed
  • Periodontitis—An inflammatory disease characterised by loss of periodontal attachment is called periodontitis. The tissue surrounding the teeth and gums weakens, causing pain, gingival bleeding, and appetite loss. Eight out of ten cats over the age of three suffer from gum inflammation

Acute illness

A sudden appetite loss can be more than regular fussiness and indicate that there’s something wrong with your kitty’s health. It may be a short-term digestion issue, but you should monitor their behaviour in the following days (after they stop eating).

If your feline friend refuses food for more than a day and shows concerning symptoms, such as vomiting, diarrhoea, fever, and fatigue, you must take them to the vet. Check out the possible reasons why your feline stopped eating:

  • Pancreatitis
  • Constipation
  • Gastrointestinal issues
  • IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)
  • Respiratory infection
  • Urinary tract diseases, such as cystitis and struvite crystals

The vet will ask about your kitty’s routine, diet, breathing, behaviour, litter tray habits, and overall lifestyle. They will perform a complete physical examination of your cat so that they can determine what’s wrong.

Serious chronic diseases

Short-term illnesses are easily treatable in most cases, but chronic conditions require a complete lifestyle change. The most common conditions causing the loss of appetite are:

  • Kidney disease—Renal insufficiency (kidney disease) is difficult to spot because symptoms appear only after your cat loses 75% of their kidney function. One of the first symptoms of this disease is appetite loss
  • Immune system disease—These diseases can be caused by viral infections (e.g. feline immunodeficiency virus), malnourishment, and stress. Other frequent viral pathogens are parvovirus and feline leukaemia virus
  • Cancer—The most common cancer types in cats are lymphoma, bone cancer, cell carcinoma, and mast cell tumour. The telltale signs are palpable lumps under the skin that tend to change in size
  • Diabetes—The accompanying symptoms of diabetes are increased thirst and urination, weight loss, and increased appetite. Diabetes can also cause nausea accompanied by the loss of appetite

Parasitic infection

If your cat has a parasitic infection, they will probably be in a lot of discomfort and pain, which will cause appetite loss. The common parasites your cat might catch are:

  • Roundworms
  • Heartworms
  • Tapeworms
  • Hookworms

Besides the loss of appetite, parasitic infections cause vomiting, diarrhoea, and a dull coat. If you suspect that your furry friend has parasites, take them to the vet immediately to get a suitable treatment. After the parasites are out of your kitty’s system, their appetite should go back to normal.

Changes in the environment

Cats are creatures of habit, so any change in the environment can cause stress leading to appetite loss. Changes especially affect indoor kitties who got used to their domestic lifestyle. Felines start acting strangely when:

  • There is an addition to the household, such as a new pet or a person—To make them get used to a new pet or a person in the house, try showing them that this change doesn’t threaten them. You can do so by establishing a new routine that will help your cat adapt to the circ*mstances
  • You change the way you clean their bowl—If you’ve stopped cleaning your cat’s bowl as frequently as before, this might result in appetite loss. Solve this issue by ensuring that there are no weird-smelling food leftovers in the bowl. Clean the bowl before meals
  • They switch to a different food—Changing food brands may be fine with cat parents, but your feline friend might not react well to this change. They will refuse to eat the new product because they’re accustomed to the old one. What you can do is mix the old and new food to introduce the change and reduce the amount of old food gradually
  • Their routine is disrupted—If you change the usual mealtime, your cat might not like the sudden disruption of the regimen. It’s easy to solve this issue—go back to the old routine, and your feline will probably regain their appetite

Too many snacks

Your cat might lose their appetite if they get a lot of treats in between meals. No matter how cute your kitty looks when they’re asking for treats, you must keep them under 10% of their daily food intake.

Here’s why your cat won’t eat dry food (2)

There are many reasons for appetite loss, but the most common one is too many treats!

Source: frida the sphynx

Most commercially available treats contain taste enhancers (making your kitty crazy about them) but offer no nutritional value. Instead of buying snacks that can be harmful to your furry friend’s health in the long run, settle for healthier treats, such as ham and bacon. Don’t go overboard with these snacks as cured deli meats are high in fat and can cause obesity.

Some specialists claim that high-fibre fruits and vegetables, such as apples, bananas, strawberries, pumpkin, carrots, asparagus, and broccoli, can help with bowel movement. If your kitty shows interest in such snacks, it's safe to give them the tiniest amounts from time to time.

As cats are obligate carnivores, their diet should be based on meat, and so should their snacks. If you want to treat your cat to a delicious protein-packed treat, feed them some chicken, duck, fish, liver, salmon, tuna, or mackerel.

Don’t feed them human treats, such as chocolate, popcorn, and peanut butter, because some of them can be highly toxic, while others may cause digestion issues and allergic reactions.


Your cat might stop eating dry food because they’re dehydrated. Since biscuits contain less than 14% of moisture, switch them to wet food and install a kitty water fountain—cats prefer running water.

High-quality wet food is ideal for your cat because it contains animal protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, and the ideal level of moisture. If your cat doesn’t want to eat it, you can use several methods to make them change their mind:



Mix dry and wet food

Add a small portion of wet food to biscuits, then gradually increase the amount with each serving until kibble is phased out

Combine kibble with soup or broth and then add wet food

Cats usually love chicken soup or bone broth, so they won’t refuse the meal. You can slowly remove biscuits altogether once your cat gets used to the new texture

Spoiled food

If your feline friend doesn’t eat their dry food, check the box for the expiry date. Kibble tends to absorb moisture and get spoiled. To prevent this, keep the product in a cool and dry place.

See Also
Maine Coon

You should also avoid feeding raw food (e.g. raw chicken) to your cat as it can get spoiled and lead to food poisoning. Raw meat and eggs often contain harmful bacteria like Salmonella, Listeria, and E. coli, carrying a high risk of cross-contamination.

Changes in the recipe

Another reason your cat won’t eat dry food might be the change in the manufacturer’s recipe. Cats have a strong sense of smell and taste, and even the slightest changes in the ingredients won’t go unnoticed. If you believe your cat no longer likes the product they have been eating for years, opt for a different, more reliable brand.

Does your cat need kibbles? What is in dry cat food, and can cats thrive on it?

Cat kibble is heavily processed dry food commonly made from grains, vegetables, and animal derivatives. Some cat food manufacturers even use eggs instead of meat, which is especially inappropriate because cats need animal protein from meat to thrive.

Biscuits are usually high in carbohydrates and sugar, with added synthetic vitamins and probiotic supplements, which compensate for the product’s subpar nutritional value.

Your cat refusing dry food might not be the worst-case scenario since cats benefit from quality wet food that is:

  • High in moisture (at least 70%)
  • Rich in animal proteins (more than 50%) which are the best source of essential amino acids, such as taurine
  • Filled with natural vitamins and minerals
  • Moderate in animal fat (up to 20%)
  • Low in carbs (less than 3%)

Dry cat food doesn’t have an appropriate nutrient ratio as it is low in moisture content, essential fatty acids, and animal proteins.

How can I get my cat to eat dry food?

While cats shouldn’t eat biscuits regularly because they aren’t healthy, some vets claim that cat kibble helps with dental hygiene. If you want to ensure your cat eats their biscuits at least occasionally, try mixing wet and dry food, make sure their bowl is clean, and remove all potential stressors from their environment.

Here’s why your cat won’t eat dry food (3)

Make sure the bowl is clean when feeding your furry friend. They don’t like the smell of stale food.

Source: kr bengals

Forget about dry food! Untamed is the ultimate wet food for your furry friend

Untamed cat food is the perfect choice for your cat because we offer high-protein wet food that keeps felines fit, healthy, and satisfied. Our dishes are prepared with the finest cuts of human-grade whole meat and organs (60% to 63%). Our gravy and jelly products contain no fillers like sugar, grains (e.g. rice and sweetcorn), animal derivatives, or plant proteins.

You and your feline companion will love Untamed because our:

  1. Food is a protein bomb—Untamed food contains two times more protein than the average cat food product
  2. Recipes are vet-formulated—We collaborated with vets to create recipes for optimal nutrition. Our dishes agree with all your kitty’s biological needs
  3. Dishes are gently steamedAs we gently simmer our food, the bioavailability of the ingredients is intact, and the meat retains the aroma, taste, and texture that will make your cat go bonkers
  4. Products are hypoallergenic—Our food is free of all common allergens, and we tailor-make our dishes to cater to the needs of allergy-prone kitties with sensitive tummies

Take our TRY NOW quiz and place your first order to get the Untamed starter pack at the best price!

Here’s why your cat won’t eat dry food (4)

Our food is irresistible!

Image (c) Untamed

Here’s why you should choose Untamed

We are cat parents too, so we worked diligently to create the healthiest and tastiest meals for felines. Untamed is perfect for all kitties, including Persians, Bengals, Siamese, Ragdolls, Maine Coons, and British Shorthairs. You can feed our dishes to:

  • Kittens—When they start eating solid food, kittens need a high-calorie diet to develop properly. Untamed’s formula supports their growth
  • Adult catsPregnant queens and neutered males will appreciate Untamed food because it provides the essential nutrients and helps with weight control. Grown-up felines need whole meat meals to maintain muscle tone and overall health
  • Seniors—Untamed is excellent for seniors who are losing weight rapidly as it contains all the necessary nutrients cats need to maintain their ideal weight and agility

We have numerous happy customers who reported the following about the Untamed effect:



One week

  • Regular bowel movement
  • Seamless digestion
  • Tidier litter box

Two months

  • Normal shedding
  • Shinier and thicker fur

Four months

  • Stable digestion
  • Fewer hairballs
  • Optimal muscle tone
  • Stronger bones

For life

  • Strong immune response
  • Seamless weight control
  • Even energy levels
  • Happy disposition

Check out our delicious dishes!

Our dishes are made from ethically sourced and cruelty-free ingredients. We use premium-quality meat, like:

  • Duck breast
  • Chicken breast and liver
  • Salmon, sardine, and mackerel fillet
  • Tuna steak

Check out some of our delicious recipes below:

  1. Tuck-in Tuna in Jelly—Dolphin-safe tuna gently cooked in fish broth
  2. Chocka Chicken in Gravy—Grain- and hormone-free chicken breast simmered in natural gravy, easy on the tummy
  3. Chocka Chicken with Ham in Gravy—Delicious whole meat chicken with tasty ham as an extra kick, gently simmered in a natural chicken gravy
  4. Chocka Chicken with Duck in Jelly—Perfect dish for poultry-loving cats served in jelly

Here’s why your cat won’t eat dry food (5)

Our Chocka Chicken with Duck in Jelly will cater to all your kitty’s biological needs while providing an array of tastes packed in a single tin of perfect food.

Image (c) Untamed

Want to become a part of the Untamed family? Here’s what to do

To buy our canned cat food online, all you have to do is go through the following easy steps:

  1. Visit our TRY NOW page and complete a short questionnaire
  2. Select the perfect meal plan
  3. Place your order for a taster pack

You will get your first pack of Untamed within a day, and shipping is entirely free. If your kitty likes our food, we will continue delivering supplies around the same time every month. You can change, postpone, and cancel your order from your account.

Besides providing an excellent cat food delivery service, we ensure our food comes in 100% recyclable packaging, and our operations leave a neutral carbon footprint.

Here’s why your cat won’t eat dry food (2024)


Here’s why your cat won’t eat dry food? ›

Cats might not eat dry food if they're not used to the taste, smell or texture. Dental disease and other illnesses can also reduce appetite and make eating dry food harder. Make any dietary changes slowly, introduce dry food with some added water and see the vet if your cat won't eat at all.

How do I encourage my cat to eat dry food? ›

- Warm up their food. This will release the meal's aroma and make it more appealing to your cat. - Add some water. A little bit of water can go a long way in making cat food more palatable for them—and hydration is always important for cats.

Why won't my cat eat his food but will eat treats? ›

Dental problems, digestive disorders, or stomach discomfort could be at play when you see a cat not eating food and eating treats. Loss of appetite due to stress or anxiety: Just like humans, cats can get stressed or anxious.

Will a cat eventually eat food it doesn't like? ›

While many cats will eat their food (eventually), others are finicky and it's tricky to get them to eat. The good news is there are ways to get even the fussiest cat to eat. Before incorporating the following suggestions, check in with your veterinarian.

How do you get cats to eat dry food they don't like? ›

Add liquid. Sometimes all it takes is adding a bit of moisture to your cat's food to make it more tempting. Not only does this help keep your cat hydrated, but adding warm (never hot) water or pet-safe broth, like Broth Toppers, increases the smell of the food and can help entice picky eaters.

Why is my cat not eating enough dry food? ›

Key Takeaways. Cats might not eat dry food if they're not used to the taste, smell or texture. Dental disease and other illnesses can also reduce appetite and make eating dry food harder. Make any dietary changes slowly, introduce dry food with some added water and see the vet if your cat won't eat at all.

What is the most irresistible food for cats? ›

Herring Whole Fish Treats for Cats

Wild-caught and air-dried whole herrings provide benefits from naturally occurring omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, taurine, protein and healthy fats, with an irresistible taste and crunch. Kitties will enjoy “catching” the whole fish.

Is there an appetite stimulant for cats? ›

Mirtazapine is a drug that was initially developed to control nausea but has been shown to be an effective appetite stimulant in cats.

Why did my cat stop eating dry food but eats wet food? ›

Dry food requires them to drink a lot more water than the wet food so if they feel dehydrated, they can favor the wet food instead. Dehydration can be simply that, they are not drinking enough water which many cats are guilty off but it can also mean there is a possible underlying infection present causing the problem.

Why does my cat act hungry but won't eat? ›

There are various reasons why your cat may ask for food but not eat it. While fussiness may be a factor, it's unlikely that a cat will refuse food for a prolonged period of time solely due to this. Other causes include dental disease, other painful oral conditions, stress, and underlying illnesses and infections.

What to give a cat that won't eat? ›

You may find that heating the food or mixing in fish oil, broth (make sure it does not contain onions, which are toxic to cats), or cooked egg could entice your picky cat to eat. If your cat still won't eat, take the food away and provide fresh food later in the day.

Do cats go through phases of not eating? ›

Your cat just might not be hungry! Appetite can change over time, and even an always-hungry kitty might not be interested in eating a big lunch from time to time. This is normal and usually resolves itself in time.

How to feed a picky eater cat? ›

If your cat is a picky eater, you can try a few things such as heating the wet food slightly before serving, giving them space to eat, and serving food in a clean dish or bowl. If your cat still won't eat, you will have to choose a different food that they ultimately like.

How to entice a cat to eat dry food? ›

Typically, warming food enhances its smell. As mentioned, smell is the first factor that cats use to determine if they will even try a food. Adding canned food, low-sodium chicken broth, or tuna to dry food and then warming it makes everything smell 10 times better and is more likely to entice your cat to eat.

What is a good cat food for finicky cats? ›

Dr. Fox recommends Hill's Science Diet Tender Tuna specifically for picky cats because it's smelly, which cats find appetzing. It's packed with high-quality protein and key nutrients that your cat needs, so you know the food is supporting your cat's health and growth.

What to do if your cat only likes dry food? ›

Try a different brand/flavor or a different 'trick. ' once it has been ~18 hours since he has eaten anything, give him just a small amount (1/4 of a cup—or less if it is EVO) of his dry food. Remember to be patient. Exercising your cat with a tassel toy before feeding can also really help stimulate his appetite.

Why won't my cat eat dry food after trying wet food? ›

Usually when a cat starts to favor wet food over dry it is related to a dental issue. This can be a sore tongue or mostly due to a problem with their teeth be it an infection, broken tooth decay etc.It can also be due to them feeling more dehydrated than usual.

What is the best appetite stimulant for cats? ›

Mirtazapine is a drug that was initially developed to control nausea but has been shown to be an effective appetite stimulant in cats.

Why does my cat not chew his dry food? ›

Cats are different than dogs—they do not chew their food. Therefore, dry food does not clean their teeth, like you hear people say about dry dog food. Cats teeth were developed for hunting to tear bite-sized pieces from their prey.

Why won't my cat eat dry food from the bowl? ›

Cats have very sensitive whiskers, which they use to sense things around them. Eating from a bowl can be uncomfortable for a cat if his/her whiskers touch the sides. This is one reason a cat will take some food away from the bowl to eat it. Serving the food in a wide bowl with low sides, or on a plate, can help.

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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.